Chapter 2: Demons

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I walked up the stairs to the roof. As I opened the door, I saw the girl from yesterday standing next to my brother. Smirked. Someone has a crush on my brother, I can tease him about this forever. I smiled as I listened in.

"Thank you for coming. You may not remember me but I'm the one you saved yesterday. I realy can't thank you enough for that. I know that this is out of the blue but... would you please take this letter?" she said, holding the letter out to him.

I smiled as I watched.

"Wait a minute is this-" before he finished the girl walked passed me, shutting the door. 

I smiled at her as she smiled back, only her smile was bitter.

"Oh. And thank you too I suppose," her voice was so... irritated. 

I frowned and walked up to my brother. He turned around and smiled.

"Hello, big brother! I missed you!!" I smiled as I hugged him.

"I missed you too," he hugged back. "Can I ask? Are you ok? You had a super bad nightmare last night," he said.

"Oh, umm, yeah. I-I'm ok. Cause at the end of my nightmare, ya know what I saw?" I asked.


"I saw you. I saw you were alive and ok. I was scared and alone. But I had you. You hugged me and told me it was all ok. I believed you. You protected me like my brother. Thank you," I smiled.

"You're welcome. You're right. I'll protect you. Just like Mika did. Now  what do ya want to do," he asked.

"I don't know," I say.

"My, my. I guess it's only natural the school heroes becomes popular with the girls and boys. Don't let it go to your heads," she says as she walks down. "In no time we'll have two trails of broken hearts to mend," she says.

"Quite talking like you know me! I'm not a heart breaker and neither is she- Wait what do you mean 'heroes popular with the girls and boys'?!" he asked.

"Ah so you and your sister are virgins," she says.  My expression darkens considerably as I look down.

"You know I'm not," I mumble as quietly as I can.

I felt someone wrap their arms around me.

"I'm so sorry. I know you aren't. I wish I could have protected you. I'm sorry," he says.

"I know. It's not your fault," I say.

"Aww. But it's ok. These days, virginity might as well be considered a mortal sin. So I guess Yuu is the sinner. Ya know there is a reason that the demon army encourages everyone to form new relationships," she says.

"You don't know because you weren't in her shoes. You weren't raised in vampire captivity or had abusive parents. You weren't abandoned. You didn't lose almost everyone," Yuu say.

"Regardless, it's important that people 'hook up'. The world has already come to an end once. Anyone who wasn't killed by the virus, ended up in the belly of wandering monsters," she says as she jumps onto a bench. "We're lucky that even a tenth of us survived. Passed those walls are endless ruins and wastelands crawling with all manner of beasts. This world of ours, is no longer safe for humanity. That's where the Imperial demon army comes in. We'll gather the reminisce of man kind and breed our way to the top of the food chain," she says,

"We found a way to survive. Thrive as well as we have," I say.


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