Chapter 3: Family has each others back

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I sat on the roof of the school, looking out. The dream I had last night kept replaying in my mind as I pondered what it could possibly mean. I clutched my locket in my hand as memories came back to haunt me. Before I could comprehend what was happening, my pendant was snatched out of my hand by... oh god. It was that Reo guy and the girl from yesterday. Just great.

"Can I have my necklace back please?" I say as politely as I can.

"Not until you break up with Yuu!" she says.

Break with Yuu? What is she? oh god.

"I'm not dating Yuu. Now can I please my have my necklace back?" I ask, slightly more irritated.

"You didn't let us finish. Break up with Yuu and go out with me," Reo smirks.

"I'm not dating Yuu and I'm not going out with you! I just want my necklace!" I say.

The girl smirks and opens m locket and looks at the picture of me and Mika and our family.

"Oh I see! She's his childhood lover! She was dumped by the blonde so she dated him! Well, Yuu deserves better than a sl**! He deserves the best, so run along and dump him little girl!" smirks the girl.

"OH MY GOD! THE BLONDE IS MY BROTHER! YUU IS ALSO MY BROTHER! OKAY! I didn't date either of them! I am not a sl**! I just want my necklace! It means more to me than any of you could ever hope to imagine!" I say as I march up and snatch it back.

I could tell they were angrily staring at me but I didn't care, I just put my pendant around my neck and walked off.

I arrived outside the vampire extermination unit's classroom to see Yoichi already waiting for me.

"Hey Yoichi!" I smiled.

"Hi Hirumi!" Yoichi says.

"You're my friends, call me Rumi!" I say as they nod. I realise Yuu isn't there.

"Where's my brother?" I ask.

"I don't know. Is he not with you?" he asks. I shake my head.

"No. But I can't wait to see his reaction when I tell him what just happened with the Reo guy from yesterday and the girl from the roof! He'll be furious!" I laugh.

"What happened?" Yoichi asked.

"Well I was on the roof thinking to my self and messing with my locket. There were two lockets, the other was gold and my brother had it so mine meant a lot to me as it had a picture of him inside. I was on the roof thinking about a weird dream when-" I was cut of by my brother walking up to us. I looked at his face astonished. "Well I guess I'm not the only one with a messed up story to share," I smile.

"Wow Yuu. What happened to your face?" Yoichi asked.

"I walked into a telephone pole," he said.

"Was it ugly and had a big mouth?" I ask.

"Yeah. It also had trouble getting it's head out of it's ass," he smiles.

"A telephone pole?" Yoichi asked.

"That's right, A n ugly telephone pole with a big mouth, a nasty look, a head stuck in it's ass and a really bad attitude," he says. I laugh.

"Sounds painful," Yoichi laughs.

"You're not the only one. My messed up story in a nutshell was that I was threatened by a perverted mail box that has the personality of a brick wall and a snobby, swig that's about as perky as a rock. They're both as smart as a headless chicken," I laugh.

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