Chapter 4: I won't give in

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I followed behind Yuu as he went over to one of the main conference building of the demon army. He was waiting for Gurren so he could ask about his cursed gear and as for me, he won't let me out of his sight for two minutes since Reo. We waited for like 30 minutes before he came out. Immediately Yuu jumped up and went to kick him in the head.

"You can't hide from me today Gurren!" he yells.

Gurren laughs as he catches his leg and held it there. I ran out after Yuu and came up to the Lieutenant Colonel with tired eyes.

"I apologise on behalf of my brother Lieutenant Colonel," I say groggily.

"You look like a zombie kid," he  comments.

"I didn't get much sleep last night and I had some time to sleep this morning before class but my brother made me come and wait here for 30 minutes and I am honestly half dead," I say.

"No shit. But I can see there's no beating around the bush with your brother," he says as he eventually lets go as Yuu stumbles to the ground. "It's kind of refreshing after dealing with pointless politics all day,"

"You know what I'm after! Now quit wasting my time and give us a cursed gear! We can handle demons! Right Rumi?" he looks at me and so does Gurren.

"Wait what? umm I don't know. I've never fought a demon before," I say, unsure.

"Oh yeah? Is it anything to do with getting vengeance for your family?" he asks.

"Of course! It's the only thing we've lived for ever since you brought me and Rumi here! Right Rumi," he says.

"That I can agree on," I say, still tired.

"We need to get you a date! Soon," says Gurren.

"That shouldn't be a problem. By now he's received 8 love letters and confessions. We just have to get him to go," I smile as Gurren smirks.

"Fine then. Let's go make contracts with demons. Then you'll join us on the front line. Both of you. But maybe after your sister doesn't look like she's gonna pass out from exhaustion,"

"HUH! No joke?!" Yuu says.

"Sure. Why not? I don't care if you haven't finished your training. That way it's your fault if you die," he smirks.

"Hahahah! Like we need to worry about that happening! I'm a badass. I'll be slaying monsters from dusk till dawn," he says,

"Good. Cause your sister's life will be in your hands too. If she dies from the demon. If she dies on the front lines. It's on you, as you're the reason that I'm letting her try out too. I'm not sending you anywhere without her and vis versa," Gurren smirks.

"I'll protect her. No matter what. Also, I'd like to thank you Gurren. You protected her from the Reo dude when I couldn't. It means a lot that she's safe. I don't know what I'd do if she got hurt like before again or worse," Yuu says.

"No problem kid. You really are an idiot ya know. Oh and also," Gurren says. He kicks Yuu in the head and effectively knocks him out, "THAT'S FOR TRYING TO KICK A SUPIREOR OFFICER!" he yells as I laugh. "Oh and Rumi. You and your brother are dismissed from class for the rest of the day to rest for the demon test. Tell your teachers I said you could take a break," he says. I smile and nod.

I ended up carrying my brother all the way back to our rooms. when I entered the room, I collapsed on my bed and Yuu fell to the floor, waking up.

"HEY! What was that for Rumi?!" he says. "Rumi," I hear again. Darkness is all I see and the voices  are blurry. "G'night little sister," he says as I feel something warm surround me as I fall asleep.     

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