week 1

66 0 0

Number of Houseguests: 16

HOH: Tyler

People on the block: Sam and Steve

BB App Store Winner: Sam (she has the power to bring someone if they are evicted but she only has three weeks to use that app or it's automatically used the 4th week)

BB App Store Loser: Faysal (he has to eat "ham" until his subscription is up)

Veto Winner: Faysal

Veto Status: Not Used

People on the block: the same

Evicted: Steve

Number of Houseguests left: 15

Votes: 7-6

My opinion:

Honestly didn't mind this first week, i do have some favs right off the bat (like Scottie and Sam) so I didn't mind Steve going home but was sad that Scottie was heartbroken.

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