week 3

14 0 0

Number of Houseguests: 14

Last Evicted: Swaggy C

HOH: Scottie (yay!)

People on the Block: Winston and Brett (aka the bros)

BB App Store Winner: Bayleigh (she has the power take over Scottie's or any HOH's nominations and put the people she want on the block but it can't be the HOH)

BB App Store Loser: Haleigh (she has to read Hamlet when she hears "to read" and stop reading when she hears "not to read" until she has finished the book)

BB App Store Status: no apps used *LAST WEEK FOR SAM TO USE HER APP*

Veto Winner: Scottie (yay!)

Veto Status: not used

Winston and Brett still on the block

Person Evicted: Winston

Votes: 6-5

Number of Houseguests: 13

My opinion:

Scottie is PLAYING Big Brother but now he's got both sides of the house hating him now. As i mention, i am not ready for him to go home yet but I am holding out for hope.

Also, Brett, your moustache is dusty just like you. I don't like Kaitlyn but mocking her during your (veto) campaign is so rude, it was funny before because you were acting stupid but like as much as I want Winston to go home, I want you to be evicted in a quick second.

Brett's campaign is sooooo bad. Yeah the pretty girls line is not cute but it is nice that he apologized to Kaitlyn but lied about Rockstar trying to get Kaitlyn out like 2+2= fish????

Personal wise, I wanted Brett to go home but game wise it is smart for Winston to go home.

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