Chapter Ten

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"Jasmine?", I said, as we walked out of school.


"I've got to tell you something"

"What's up?"

I rubbed my hands to my back. "It's sort of...personal"

She looked at me and smiled. "You know you can tell me Niks", she said, gently pulling me to the end of the sidewalk.

I looked around to see if anyone was watching. I sighed. "It's Austin. You're close to him..."

"Keep talking...", she said, listening attentively

"Thing is, well. I...sort him and ---"

She squealed and squeezed my hand. "I KNEW IT!"

"You did?"

She rolled her eyes. "Go on."

I took a breath. "I wanna tell him I like him at the dance"

She widened her eyes, squealed again and gave me a hug. "Go for it girl"

I looked at her. "But should I? What if he says no?"

She laughed. "Number one, there is no way he would. Number Two, a guy would be crazy not to like you. Number three, we've got to find the right dress!"

"Are you serious?"

"Do I look like I'm not?"

I laughed, as she started to go on about her shopping plans.

Two weeks later...

"Mom, can I go shopping with Jazz and Kristi?", I ask, while she's making some pasta for lunch. 

She dropped the pan on the counter and looked at me. "You? Shopping?"

I shrugged. "Well...yeah."

"Honey, you run away from me when I ask you to try on a scarf", she smiled. "So...what's the occasion?"

I blushed and ran my fingers through my hair. Austin's influence, yes. 

I looked at anywhere but her. "There's this dance..."

She didn't answer but I could see her smile.

I took a breath and looked at her. "I like Austin"

She squealed like Jasmine, except in a higher pitch.

Now why do they keep doing that?

"Oh I'm so happy for you darling!", she said, squeezing me into a hug.

"But we're not even together yet!", I mumbled.

"But you will be!", she crowed with delight, still hugging me. 

I sighed.

She finally let go of me and this stern expression replaced her smile. She put her hands on her hips and pursed her lips.

"What?", I asked.

"You didn't tell me about the dance before..."

I smiled. "I did now, right?"

She was quiet for a few seconds until she jumped and clapped her hands once.

"Come on Niks. Get going! All the dresses will be sold out@"

I raised my eyebrows. "We're going in the evening mom"

She grumbled. "Oh you girls."


Forever (On Hold and Massive Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang