Chapter Eleven

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what we ever do without our mothers? :)


"Hey Austin?", I said, as we were walking by the shore the next day.


"The dance is in less than a week."


"I'm scared.", I blurted. 

He looked at me. I glanced at his face once, to realize that he was concerned. "Why?"

Uh oh. What do I do now? I kicked the sand and looked at the crashing waves for some inspiration.

"Nicole. Tell me", he said, holding my arm with his hand. 

I looked at him. I couldn't tell him I liked him now. The moment was too tense. It was not meant to be yet. I had to think of something else. 

"It's Bruce", I said, taking in a deep breath.

"Bru...What happened?", he said, slowly releasing his grip on my arm.

I rubbed my hand to my other arm and started nervously. "Well...he sent me this note two weeks ago..."

"What note?"

I looked at him.

"He wants me to go to the dance with him"

"What?", he repulsed with disgust. 

There was this momentary silence.

"Wait. Don't...don't tell me you said yes", he said, with a lower volume yet relatively agressive.

I widened my eyes and let my jaw drop open freely. "What? Austin? Ew! NO!"

He let out a breath. "Thank god."

I laughed. He touched my arm. I looked back into his beautiful eyes. 

"Nicole? Stay away from him, please"

"So I've heard."

He laughed and so did I.

"You know, Zac said the same words to me that day when he got me away from Bruce that time on the beach", I said, whilst laughing. "That day was - "

Austin cut me off. "What time on the beach?"

Shoot. He didn't know about it. I even told Zac not to tell him. I knew he'd get worried. 

"Nothing", I murmured, mentally swearing at myself for letting it out.


I didn't reply. I just kicked the sand


I looked at him. "Fine. I'll tell you."

And I started telling him from the time Jazz and I were on the beach to when Bruce caught us to when Zac saved us. 

Once I was done, I could see his fists clenched up to his side. 

"Even after I told him to stay away...his guts", Austin gritted through his teeth. I looked up at him.

It was scary seeing him angry. 

"Austin? Don't be angry"

He didn't answer. I didn't want things to get screwed a week before the dance. 

"Austin...please", I whispered, tears starting to form in my eyes.

He looked at me for a moment and I looked back. His jaw dropped an inch and he scrunched his eyebrows. 

"Hey Nicole...don't cry. I'm not mad at you. I swear. I'm just...concerned, that's all", he said. I didn't even notice him putting his arm around my shoulders until he took it off. My heart skipped a beat. 

"You sure you're not mad?"

He laughed. "A hundred percent"

I looked at him. "Why do you care so much?"

He looked back at me. "Because I do."

I smiled, as we walked our way across the beach.

"I'm dropping you home", he said.


He raised his eyebrows. 

I laughed. "Alright alright."

We talked as he dropped me back home.

When we were near home, I could see my mom peeking through the curtains and beaming a wide smile.

I groaned.

I was way better off without her knowing. 

I looked at Austin. "You know. You should seriously get going."

He glanced over at me and gave me a questioning look to ask why.

I sighed and nodded in the direction of my mom. He looked at once and started laughing. 

"Now go. Before my mom falls in love with you before me", I said, pushing him away. And then, I froze. WHAT WAS I THINKING?

He stopped walking too. He turned back around to face me.

We looked at each other for a few seconds, without expression, but more like intimidation. He took a step forward, still looking at me. My heart started to beat twice as fast. He took another step forward and we were only a few inches apart. He took his hand slowly from his side and tucked a strand of my loose hair behind my ear. I shivered in my place. He kept staring down at me, with those belonging eyes. I was about to take a step forward when I heard a cough. 

Of course, it had to be my mom.

I took a breath and broke my stare from Austin unwillingly. I looked to where she was standing earlier, but she wasn't there. Curtains closed. 

I looked back at Austin nervously. He seemed to have look in her direction too because he took a step backwards. 

I took a step backwards as well and nervously rubbed my hand to my arm. 

"Um...I guess I'll see you later?", I started, without giving him a direct look in the eye.

He looked at me for two seconds and smiled. "Sure thing. Good night Nicole", he said, pacing back his way. 

"Good night Austin", I mumbled, while watching him leave. 



Hope you liked it :) 

And oh, I'm totally open to feedback. If you think the story is moving too quick, be free to tell me. Just keep in mind that I sort of meant this to be short. Not too short and fastpaced, but not as long as the usual Wattpad stories either. So yeah.

Remember to fan/vote/comment!

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