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Tear drops cascade to the ground, as the young boy cries in agony. Banished from his home land, Misuto Itami has nowhere to turn. The Mizukage ordered for Misuto, and many others, to be killed for being in possession of kekkei genkai. Misuto's happened to be the most powerful of them all.

He posses an ocular mutation that gifts him the power to deteriorate ones body by draining their chakra. This ocular mutation has come to be known as the Zetsugan.

Misuto is a the only person alive with the Zetsugan, but he is not aware of it. In fact, he doesn't even know that he possesses it. When Misuto was born, his grandfather sealed off his right eye, locking away the Zetsugan. The clan was to never speak of it again, or else they would have been killed.

As Misuto was growing up, he was told that he had been born with only one eye. For this reason, he adorns an eye patch with his clan crest on. This same crest is an exact depiction of the Zetsugan. Ironic right?

To return to the current situation, Misuto has wandered quite a distance away from the hidden mist. He is in the middle of an unfamiliar territory, fending for his life. He doesn't know very much about survival, except that he can't stay alive very long without food and water. It's been almost a week, and Misuto is starving. His body is becoming weak and his eyes begin to roll back into his head.

He is unconscious.

When Misuto opens his eyes, he takes notice that he is not in his previous location. He is in an infirmary. "Where am I? How did I get here?" Misuto wonders to himself. His head pounds and he lets out a loud sound of agony. Clutching his temple, Misuto falls out of the cot he was placed in. He hears a door open, but pays it no mind.

A hand grasps his shoulder and turns him around. Misuto sees a man with white-silver hair and most of his face covered. He is a shinobi. It's evident by the Hidden Leaf symbol on his head band. "Wait, Hidden leaf?" He ponders. Had he been captured by their shinobi and taken hostage? So many questions and running through his head. The same head that is already in pain.

"Calm down. I won't hurt you. You're truly safe here." The masked man said. Is it true? Can Misuto really believe this man? Only time will tell. "I have so many questions." Misuto said. He wasn't planning to say it aloud, yet it happened.

"I'll be glad to answer your questions, but first I need for you to get better, and then we can go see the Hokage." The masked man says softly to Misuto. He sounds so genuine, but Misuto is still skeptical. Well, he is here now, and the leaf is offering to help him. He might as well just let it happen, until he can talk to the Hokage.

The man picks up Misuto bridal style and places him in his cot. He gets the food pills from upon the bedside desk and feeds them to Misuto—one by one. "By the way, my name is Kakashi Hatake. I found you in the forest outside of the village. You seemed to be hurt, so I brought you here." The man, Kakashi, stated.

Misuto's Head began to spin. Just before passing out again, a single "thank you," slipped through his lips.

~Time Skip~

Upon waking, Misuto was greeted by a warm smile. This smile belongs to none other than The Hokage, Sarutobi. "Welcome back to reality," a voice says from somewhere else in the room. It was Kakashi. It is finally time for all of Misuto's questions to be answered.

As if reading his mind, the Third Hokage spoke, "It has been brought to my attention that you were wandering along our border. Now, I am not aware of your motives, but I would like to be. Do you mind me asking you a few questions?" Sarutobi knew how crucial it was to make sure that Misuto didn't feel threatened. If so, it would be even more difficult to obtain information from him.

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