Chapter 2: The Truth In Ones Eyes

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~Misuto POV~

"Misu... Misu... MISUTO ITAMI," was the first thing I heard this morning. When my eyes fluttered open, I saw an eager Hikari standing over me. Today is the day we take our genin test. If we pass this test, then we will finally be able to go on missions and what not. I can't blame her for being happy. Hikari has been practicing all of her justsu in preparation for this very day.

"I'm up damn it." I groan out as I roll onto my back. "Let me breathe for a minute Kari. It's too early to be yelling in my ear." I said to her in slight annoyance. She simply shrugged and hopped off of the bed. "You should've gotten up the first time I called out to you. Now get up and go fix yourself. You look terrible." Was all she said before exiting my bedroom.

I rolled my eyes and yawned, before getting out of bed and heading into the bathroom. Upon entering, I glanced into the mirror. What I saw before me made me want to scream. My head wrap had fell off over night and is now a fuzzy mess. I did a loud groan of annoyance and proceeded to take a shower.

When I got out of the shower, I brushed my teeth and washed my face, before going back into my bedroom. As if she could sense my pain, Hikari was sitting on my bed with a bunch of hair care products and a smirk plastered on her face. "Let's go honey." She said, motioning me to come to her.

I simply giggled and a walked over to my closet. I grabbed a pair of underwear and my shinobi uniform. I tossed the hanger, with the uniform on it, onto my bed. After pulling on my underwear, I dropped my towel and quickly got dressed. Now if Hikari was literally anyone else, I would not feel comfortable getting dressed with them in the same room. Hikari is my only family member left and I trust her with my life. It's no need to be self-conscious around her.

"Oh come on Misu. You're taking forever." Hikari whined. I turned around to see her head throw back in impatience. "Don't rush me because you want to mess with my hair. Plus, I'm done anyway." I say before sitting down in front of her, my back to the edge of the bed.

She first sprayed my hair with water, then began to detangle it with a blow dryer. The heat from the blow dryer made my scalp feel nice. I was almost asleep when Hikari gripped my hair and yanked me awake. "Sit up Misu. You're going to mess up your neck." I could hear the laugh threatening to come out of her mouth, but she held it back successfully. "You didn't have to grip me up like that though." I complained upon deaf ears.

"And... Done." Hikari stated after an hour had passed. She passed me a mirror so I could quickly look and we could leave after. Hikari chose to go with my normal style, but with a flare. She placed decorative hair clips around the braids. "Well, what do you think Misu." I could hear Hikari say from behind me. She sounds apprehensive.

"It's fine cousin. Now let's go before we're late." I say before getting up, grabbing my keys, and heading out of the door.


When Hikari and I arrived at the academy, Neji was waiting for us, along with the rest of our friends. "Hey guys." They said when we were within earshot. They looked nervous, for obvious reasons. "You guys look like you've seen Kami himself." I say in a joking manner. We all chucked together, well all except for Neji.

"Neji what's that matter?" I questioned when the rest began to go inside with Hikari. He simple stood there, looking at me. After about five minutes of silence, he finally spoke. "I've realized something Misuto, I have been really weak minded for a long while. When we first met I was not myself. I was open, happy, and clingy. Misuto, that's not me. I'm not that kind of person." Neji spoke in a serious tone. He looked as if he had no emotion. Even his eyes looked empty.

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