Sleep Deprived - Ashton

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Ashton hasn't been getting enough sleep for the past two days, he had only slept for two hours and the next day he couldn't sleep at all. But this isn't the first time it's happened to him its happen to him when he was on holidays with his family and he didn't tell anyone about because he didn't think it was a big deal.

Ashton sat watching tv at 6am the boys have too be up in another two hours for a day of five hours of interviews. Ashton thought he should have a nap before the boys woke up but when he tried nothing.

At 8am Ashton had nothing else to do but wake the boys up he started with Calum. At first Calum refused and Ashton convinced to wake up by telling him that he could sleep on the bus. Then too Lukes room, Luke had whined about it and tried to kick Ashton but he then decided to get up. Ashton then walked to Michaels room and yes he was the hardest to wake up, he managed it by telling about all the food they will get by doing the interviews.

When they got in the bus, Ashton couldn't focus on anything the boys were saying.
"Hey Ash what time did you go to bed last night?" Luke asked turning to Ashton.
"What time did you go to bed you were still up when I went and that was at least 2"
"I don't know, not long after you" Ashton said, he was lying and even though he didn't want to admit.

When they arrive they did the first interview and it went well, the interviewers were happy and the boys were too. While they waited in the room for the interviewer, Calum decided to start poking and pinching Ashton's arms and hands.
"Fuck off Calum, that hurts and I'm not in the mood for you too act like a fucken toddler" Ashton raised his voice getting the other two boys attention.
"Woah I'm sorry, mr moody" Calum chucked back.
Ashton glared at him, Luke decided to separate the two.

After the next two interviews Ashton could feel him yawn more than usual, not paying attention and forgetting things that one of the boys said or what the interviewer asked.
Half through the second last interview Ashton was staring straight ahead, Luke had noticed and under the table they sat at he quickly squeezed Ashton's hand to get him out of this trance. Yet nothing happened, Ashton hadn't blinked or responded to anything in a minute. Suddenly Ashton's head jerked and Ashton had looked around and looked confused.
"Are you alright?" Luke asked.
"Are you okay, you blanked out for a solid minute" Luke had asked again.
"I did, I don't remember, what happened?" Ashton asked and Luke had noticed Ashton's eyes dropping
"You didn't sleep did you?" Luke asked
"Excuse me guys stop having your own conversation and join in" Michael said looking across at the two guys but when Michael had seen Lukes expression how concerned and worried he was. He then looked at Ashton and saw his eyes shutting and opening. Michael remembers that sometimes Ashton cant sleep and won't for a day or two. Thank god the interviewer noticed the panic in the room.
"If somethings wrong with him we can try reschedule it tomorrow if that's okay with you boys and the mangers" she said politely obviously understanding the situation.

The manager organised something with the very nice lady who did the interview. Then the whole attention was placed on Ashton with a whole lot of questions thrown at him.
"Ashton when last did you sleep?" Michael said hovering over Ashton. Ashton sat in the chair looking at his friends faces as his eyes fluttered open and shut. His heart started picking up pace and his whole face turned white.
"Shit Ashton are you okay?" Calum asked.
"Im f-f-fine" Ashton stuttered he could tell that the sleep was catching up on him.
"You're not Ash, when last did you sleep?" Luke asked.
"Tw-two days ago" Ashton mumble he looked down, afraid to see his bandmates faces.
"That's why I was moody too Cal and that's why I blanked out in the middle of an interview because I had a micro sleep" he explained.
"A what?" Calum said. He looked to see puzzled faces, he did assume that would happen.
"I don't know what happens to me when I micro sleep but apparently I just look straight forward no reactions, expressions it's happened before" Ashton said.
"Ashton you need to sleep" Michael said.
"You don't think i have tried" Ashton said.

When they got home they made Ashton take sleeping pills and he had a good 15 hours of sleep. They did the interview the next day and it was probably the best and the funniest thing the fans would enjoy. Ashton had fixed his sleep pattern and the boys made sure to keep an extra eye on Ashton's sleep cycle.

I know it's not good but I haven't written in two years now.
Please tell me if it's good honestly though I think it's shit
Yeah I do know about all the grammar and spelling mistakes

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