Asthma - Michael

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With soundcheck done and two hours to spare before the show, the boys thought of something to keep them occupied, a race.
"Okay we have to do two laps of the arena and who ever wins gets to pick the snacks and music we listen to on the tour bus for the next month" Ashton told them.
"Two laps is a lot, we won't have energy for the show" Luke said and Michael nodded next to him.
"Okay I will make it one" Ashton said.
Michael agreed with the idea of a race, he knew he gets puffed easily so was scared that will let him down.
"Are you ready?" Ashton asked, they were all at the starting line.
"Get set, go" Ashton screamed and they were off.
At first they were all running the same amount of speed but then Ashton got quicker and same with Calum.

Michael was about a quarter of the way and he felt a tightness in his chest, he didn't want to think about that and kept going. He was a tiny bit behind Luke.
Michael was wheezing a lot when he got to the half way point, this caught Lukes attention.
"Hey Mike, are you okay?" Luke asked he started jogging so Michael could catch up.
"Yeah"  Michael breathed out, after he replied his breathing got worse and letting out a a few coughs.

A few seconds later Michael felt his chest tighten a lot, his breathing got worse and he definitely thought he was about to collapse.
"Luke" Michael managed to say to get the other boys attention.
Luke turned to see what was wrong, Michael slid himself down the wall to sit.
"Calum" Luke shouted out, Luke could see Calum up ahead and he knew that he needed the others so he could help Michael. Luke rushed over to Michael and sat in front of him.
"What's wrong?" Luke asked.
Michael couldn't reply as he couldn't manage to slow his breath.
"Right, try to breathe in for four seconds and out for four seconds" Luke said realising  Michaels breathing was worse, Luke noticed Michael's bad breathing was from the exercise not anxiety.
Calum came running over to the boys.
"Luke what's wrong I heard you shout" Calum asked looking down at the scene in a panic.
"I think Mike is having an asthma attack" Luke said trying to stay calm.
Calum got down next to Luke and looked at Michael who now started coughing.
"Ok, Mike follow my breathing pattern" Calum said starting to breathing slowly through his nose and out his mouth getting Michael to follow.
"I will ask first aid, if they're carrying an asthma pump' Luke said walking fast to the medical people.
"Mike you're doing so well" Calum said, seeing Michael breathes get slower.
"What's going on" Ashton said running in, he saw Michael with a few tears falling from his face, sitting against the wall and looking tired. He was scared of what had happen to the poor guy.
"Mike had a massive asthma attack" Calum said watching Ashton's face drop.
"I'm sorry Mike, this is my fault" Ashton said sadly.
"Ash, I know you are but not right now" Calum said and Ashton nodded. Calum finally got Michael's breathing to back to a normal pace, he didn't need Michael feeling sad to get this breathing back up again,
Luke finally came running back to them, holding a small Asthma pump.
"Here" Luke said passing it to Calum, Calum shook it and gave it to Michael.

After Michael recovered they went to the dressing room. Michael lying on the couch as he was a little tired. Luke and Calum were on the other couch facing Michael to make sure he was okay and Ashton was pacing.
"Mike when did you have asthma?" Luke asked.
"I don't know, I never had asthma as a kid but I guess it was brought on in the past years" Mike said.
"Well I heard that our tour manager has gone and brought a couple of asthma pumps" Calum said.
"Really, I feel so bad at least I should buy them" Michael said trying to sit up but softly pushed down by Luke.
"Don't feel bad, you need to rest and everyone wants you to be healthy" Luke said smiling at Michael and then looked over at Ashton who seemed to be stressed or something.
"Ash what's up?" Luke asked. This question made all the boys stare at Ashton.
"Mike I'm so sorry, it's my fault that you felt like you were going to die tonight, we could have come up with a different idea to sort out music, no I'm just dumb and nearly made you pass out" Ashton said letting a few tears out as it felt guilty.
Michael got up from the couch and gave Ashton a hug.
"Ash it's not just you, I know that sometimes I find it hard to breathe and I could have said something" Michael said and hugged Ashton again.
"I just want all you guys to be okay and I let myself down, seeing you in that state made me scared and upset" Ashton said wiping another tear.
"It's okay Ash" Michael said.
"Guys we have fifteen minutes left until we have our show" the stage manager said.
Luke walked over to the two boys and signalled for Calum to join, they were now in a small circle and Luke brought them all in a hug and after they stopped Luke smiled.
"Okay Mike don't overwork yourself out there and if you don't have breath anymore to keep singing get the fans too sing, Ash don't feel guilty we all make mistakes but right now we have to spread our joy and our passion to the fans, we can't go being emotional messes you hear me, we are going to kill it tonight" Luke finished he speech and smiled at his friends.

Michael sometimes felt out of breath but let the fans sing when that happened. Luke was right the concert was amazing and they killed it that night. Michael believes his asthma made the boys closer than they already were that night. He went to the doctor the next day to double check if it was asthma and not a panic attack or something. He was diagnose with adult onset asthma and didn't know if it was there forever or it would go after a while. So Michael decided he would put an asthma pump in the dressing room, his jacket on stage and backstage. The boys made sure to look out for him. Michael was happy he got to be surround with supportive best friends who are actually brothers by now and fans who were this family that loved him even if he had asthma.

I hope you all liked this one!!
I love you all and I'm thankful for you all.
Remember if you come up with an idea or something you want to see, DM ME
Also I'm thinking of making a Lashton oneshot book or boyxboy oneshot book so let me know how you feel about that
- Steph xo

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