Bronchitis - Michael

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Request - Michael gets bronchitis/bad cough
Set in 2017

Michael woke up and instantly started to cough. Yesterday he started to feel like he was getting a cold and that is why he was happy that his girlfriend, Crystal was out of the house for the next week on a business trip as he wouldn't want her to get sick. He went down stairs to the kitchen to drink some water hoping it will smooth his throat but it didn't help at all.
Michael's phone went on and he looked down seeing a message from Luke.

Hey Mike can you please join us in Ash's studio today, we need you to record your guitar line and I miss you 😁

Michael sighed he didn't want to do anything today especially be in a studio, as his throat felt dry and scratchy and he started to feel hot. He got ready and had a few coughing fits and he soon left and arrived at the studio.

Michael reached Ashton's house where Luke was now living and chuckled at the piece of paper that was stuck to the side gate. The paper read

Hey Mikey we are out the back in the studio, don't stress we have the food!!
P.S remove the paper after you see this and lock the gate behind you

He had locked the gate and walked to where the boys were and then was greeted by Luke and Ashton.
"Hey buddy" Ashton smiled and got up to hug Michael but Michael just started coughing and that lasted for 20 seconds.
"Woah are you okay?" Luke asked concerned.
"Yeah all good, just a dry throat" Michael smiled a bit and wheezed quietly.
"Okay so I thought if we did a quick recording of you and Luke and see how it sounds" Ashton said. Michael nodded but secretly didn't want to he was starting to feel hot yet cold, was now tired from the non-stop coughing and his throat was on fire.

Michael played the guitar line once, before he felt a cough coming on and had to stop.
"Are you sure your not sick?" Luke asked.
Michael ignored him as he started to cough.
"Let's keep going" Michael said wheezing a little. Ashton nodded and passed a concern look to Luke, who was looking concerned about Michael as well.
"Are you wheezing?" Luke asked.
"I'm fine Luke" Michael said and was getting annoyed as Luke wouldn't stop asking him if he was okay when all he wanted to do was get it done.
"Before we start again, Ash can I have a hoodie I'm kinda cold" Michael asked and Ashton nodded and went to get a hoodie, Luke was concerned as it was warm.

They finally finished the recording and Michael was starting to sniff and cough again.
"So it sounds really good, I will just send it off and have it checked" Ashton said.
"I'm going to head off, I don't feel the best" Michael said and got up.
"You can stay here and rest, I can make you a tea" Luke says.
"Really, I don't want to be a burden" Michael said and started having a coughing fit.
"You aren't a burden just come to the living room" Luke says and took Michael to the couch in the living room and then started to make him tea.
Ashton comes into the living room and Luke tells him about Michael's situation.
"I have these pills my doctor gave to me when I had a cough like yours and you can take them for now" Ashton said sitting down next to Michael and passes him the pills.
"Thank you Ash" Michael said and smiled.
"Also you can stay here since Crystal is out of town, you can sleep in Luke's room" Ashton said and put his arm around Michael.
"Wait what?" Luke said coming towards them and passes the tea to Michael.
"Yeah you can have the couch" Ashton said and patted down the spot next to him wanting Luke to sit with them, Luke rolled his eyes and joined them on the couch.
They then started to watch Netflix and Michael began coughing.
"You can take a nap, I will get a blanket and we can share it" Ashton said and then quickly came back with a blanket and snacks. He put the fluffy blanket on the three of them and laid out the snacks.
"We can watch a movie together, cause we never do this and your sick so it could be fun" Ashton smiled.
"Thank you" Michael said to Ashton and gave him a smile.
Halfway through the movie, Michael fell asleep as he was exhausted from his cold and the two other boys chuckled a bit and continued to watch the movie.

After a couple of days Michael's cough had started to stop and Luke and Ashton had made sure he was okay and was making him laugh or bringing him food or games. Ashton found out by google that antibiotics weren't the best for Michael's condition and made him teas and get plenty of rest as well. A week later Michael had fully recovered with the help from the two other boys and Crystal had come and to pick him up.
"Thank you guys so much for caring for me and letting me stay here" Michael said as he walked out the door.
"Anytime Mike it was so nice having you here, I think you should come over here often and same with Crystal" Ashton smiled and then waved at Crystal who was standing by the car, Crystal gave a small wave back and let the boys continue talking as she didn't want to interrupt.
"Yeah I had fun with you here even if you were sick" Luke smiled.
"Also the recording of the guitars we made sounds amazing, so next time you're over and same with Cal we can listen to it" Ashton said.
"That would be so good but I should go now, I've left Crystal waiting for ages now but before I go can we please get a group hug?" Michael asked and made the two boys let out a small laugh.
"Of course Mike" Ashton chuckled and brought the two boys into a hug.
Michael then left and was healthier than before and was thankful for the two other boys who helped him as he knew if he was by himself he would be worse.

I hope you all liked this one!!
Thank you for giving me this amazing idea :)
I love you all and I'm thankful for you all. I also hope you and your loved ones are staying safe during these times x
Remember if you come up with an idea or something you want to see, DM ME
- Steph xo

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