Alcohol Poisoning - Luke

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Luke - 19
Calum - 19
Michael - 20
Ashton - 21
[Mitch is a name I made up and isn't based on anyone in real life]

It was 2015 and the boys were throwing a New Years Eve party for the next year. The party was thrown at Ashton's house which would start at 8pm. Luke arrived early to help Ashton set up.
"Dude this is going to be so amazing, just imagine so many people partying with us" Ashton said, moving around the furniture so people can fit in and outside the house.
"Yeah, how cool" Luke said, he was planning on getting so drunk tonight. He didn't want to think about anything but just his best friends.

It was 10pm now everyone was here, the DJ was playing all the good songs, people were getting drunk and dancing with friends. People were organising who there midnight kiss would be, taking pictures for their Instagram and even jumping into the cold pool. Luke was starting to get his plan ready by carrying around the whiskey bottle and have sips every now and then. Luke looked down and saw he had drunk more than half, he doesn't remember doing that. In his confused drunk mind he decided to put the bottle down and join his friends.
"Hey Luke, how's everything going" Ashton called Luke over to where him and the boys were sitting. Luke walked over not realising he was walking zig zag and stumbling. Michael got up to meet him halfway to help him walk over.
"Woah you've had a lot to drink" Michael yells over the music. They make it to the seats and he sits Luke down.
"You having fun?" Ashton asks Luke.
"Ummm its sooooooooo funnnn" Luke said every word was slurred. Ashton raised his eyebrows.
"How much have you had to drink?" Calum asked.
"I don't knowwwww a lot" Luke said starting to lean on Michael for support.
"Can you remember?" Calum asked again.
"Whiskkkeyyy so fastt" Luke chuckled to himself. Lucky for Luke the boys didn't start drinking yet Ashton was going to start having a few drinks at 11 but right now he couldn't even think of touching one seeing the state his friend was in. Calum had a beer and Michael was a tiny bit tipsy.

A girl came to the table putting shots and drinks down for them and winked before walking off.
Luke grabbed two shots and took them fast before the boys could stop him.
"I'm goingg to dance come join" Luke slurred and stood up before stopping, his limbs couldn't hold him and he fell.
"Luke are you okay?" Ashton asked helping him up.
"I'm fineee" Luke slurred. Ashton put Luke's arm around his shoulder. When Ashton did this Luke felt heavy, he was pale yet sweaty. Ashton decided to feel the rate of Luke's breathing and it was slow to slow for everything to be okay.
"Are you actually okay?" Ashton asked concerned for his band member.
All of a sudden, Luke was shutting down he couldn't hold himself up and was leaning on Ashton so he wouldn't fall. He was cold and couldn't stay awake. Michael rushed over and took Luke's other arm and placed it over him so Ashton wouldn't hold all of his weight. Calum stood in front of look just in case people were there to take photos.
"Hey Luke we're just taking you to my room, just stay awake" Ashton said.
Luke sighs in response and they take him into Ashton's room where no one would be and locked the door behind them.
"Guys were calling 911, I think he was alcohol poisoning" Ashton said.
Calum nodded and took out his phone and dialled the number.
"Mike we're going to sit him against the wall, if we see him start going unconscious we will lay him on the side" Ashton instructed and Michael nodded. Ashton was scared and thinking quick, Luke's first day of the new year is about to start in the hospital, Ashton wanted to be overthinking but this isn't the state drunk people are in, this was something else.
The boys sitting around Luke, as Luke sat against the wall. He looked pale and sweaty, he looked so weak.
"Hey Luke are you okay?" Michael asked, stating besides Luke grabbed his hand
"I'mm going to die" Luke whispered out, his eyes fluttering rapidly as he was trying to open them but Luke could feel his body shut down.
"It's okay, you're not going to die we're here" Calum said comforting him. Luke's eyes started rolling to the back his head before he started swaying side to side softly.
"Ash what do we do now?" Michael said starting to tear up, he was scared seeing his friend in this state. Ashton was searching up what to do because no one teaches you what to do when your friend seems to be dying from alcohol poisoning.
"Okay Mike, keep him warm he would be freezing, I will start tracking his breathing and we will both try keep him awake, Cal how close is the ambulance to the house?" Ashton asked.
"8 minutes" Calum answered.
"Luke stay awake, tell me how you feel" Ashton said, how sitting in front of Luke. He saw Luke's eyes stop rolling, after they stopped Luke's eyes shut instantly and his head fell forward. He knew Luke wasn't going to be conscious for any longer as it looked like was about to pass out.
"Luke" Calum yelled out him.
"Help me please" Luke replied mumbling quietly a few times. Calum looked at Michael who looked like he was in a panic.
"Mikey, can you stand outside to direct the paramedics to where we are" Calum said softly and Michael nodded, wiped a tear and ran out.
"Cal, quickly get a bucket, there's one in my bathroom" Ashton said and Calum got up and quickly rushed off.
"Hey Lukey you'll be okay, everything will be okay" Ashton said running his hands in Luke's sweaty head. Luke's eyes were closed and he sighed in response. Ashton smiled softly to himself, he knew Luke would be okay.

The ambulance came and the paramedics came in, lifted Luke slowly becoming unconscious and took him to the closest hospital. The boys left standing in Ashtons room in silence the music and talking of everyone partying seemed to be drowned out.
"Guys there's one more hour to midnight and I don't want to be here, I'm choosing to go to the hospital" Ashton told the guys.
"Why don't we all go, Luke's my brother, our brother and we nearly lost him" Calum said looking at the boys, Michael nodded in agreement as he didn't want to talk right now.
"I will get Mitch to look after my house and the party then we will leave" Ashton said and went looking for Mitch. Mitch is a close friend of Ashton's who was willing to stay sober so the house doesn't get to trashed and people don't get too drunk or high.

At 4am, Luke was in recovery as we had to get his stomach pumped. The boys sat around his bed waiting for him to wake up.
"Oh shit" Luke whispered as he woke up and his eyes fluttered adjusting to the lights.
Ashton was the only one awake, he couldn't sleep he was in a panic and the memories of the night was making it hard for him to even think of sleep.
"Luke are you okay?" Ashton asked seeing Luke looking much healthier now as he was sitting up.
"Water" Luke whispered and Ashton passed him a cup of water.
Ashton woke up the two boys sleeping on the two chairs next to him.
"Luke you're awake" Michael exclaimed jumping from the chair and give Luke a small, quick hug.
"Do you remember anything from last night?" Calum asked.
"I don't really want to talk about" Luke said softly remembering how he felt like he was dying, being so cold and not being able to see yet hear everything.
"It's okay, you don't have too" Ashton said seeing Luke go into a bad thought.

Luke got the all clear to leave and recover at home now. All the boys were sitting in Michael's living room as Ashtons house was still getting cleaned from the party. Luke was processing all his thoughts on the couch while the others scrolled through there phones.
"Guys?" Luke said.
"What is it Luke?" Calum asked as they all looked at him.
"I thought I was going to die last night, I couldn't see or hear properly and I was freezing and going numb, I thought my last moments would be me drunk and not being myself. What i heard and remember from last night is that you guys never left my side and did everything to make sure I was alive. I don't think I ever said this properly but you guys are my family and I love you guys" Luke said letting the tears slide out, he looked around and saw Ashton wiping a tear, Calum smiling at him and Michael giving a soft smile.
"I think this calls for a group hug" Calum said and the boys laughed and came in for a hug.
After it finished they all were smiling.
"Also one more thing, happy new year boys" Luke said.

As Luke said HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
I'm still in shock that it's 2020
I love you all and I'm thankful for you all.
Remember if you come up with an idea or something you want to see, DM ME
- Steph xo

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