Pneumonia - Michael

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Request ~ Michael gets sick with a cold and the boys don't care and are rude until the cold develops into pneumonia and the boys finally help
I like to set this in 2014-2015 but you can do whatever you like

Two weeks ago, Michael had been sick with the flu but his cough hadn't gone away which he found strange. When he woke up this morning he was sweating and his throat was so sore.
"No not today" Michael whispered to himself, he was annoyed. Why is he sick again? He thought to himself and hated that it was today because the boys have a rehearsal and a concert since their two week break from their last concert.

Michael left his hotel room feeling cold and started coughing. He got to the lobby and the boys were there waiting for him.
"Guys, I think I'm getting sick again" Michael said.
"Are you serious" Ashton said looking up from his phone.
"I have this cough" Michael said but then got cut off.
"You've had this cough for weeks now, we are all tired! but we have to attend the rehearsals even if we're tired" Calum said in an angry voice as he was now annoyed at Michael.
"Let's just go to the bus" Luke said and got up and went out to the bus and Calum followed. Michael sighed and coughed a little and Ashton just shook his head.
"Mike, are you really going to drag out this cold you had a few weeks ago just to try get out of the rehearsal" Ashton said disappointed in Michael and left. Michael did want the boys to know that he was sick again but now they all hate him, so he shrugged and followed Ashton to the car.

They arrived at the venue for the concert and got ready for rehearsal, Michael started feeling heavy pain in his chest and he realised that his felt this pain for a few days now. They arrived in the dressing room and Michael flinched at the pain and put his hand on his chest.
"Hey Mike are you sure, your alright?" Luke asked as he saw Michael's face screw up.
"Luke don't give him attention his only faking it" Calum said, not even bothering to look up from his phone.
Michael shrugged yet the pain was only getting worse and he couldn't hold back his coughs anymore. Michael coughed harshly and brought up a lot phlegm, Michael was now feeling disgusted and walked to the bathroom to wash his face as he truely felt horrible.

The rehearsals finished and the concert was about to start. They sat back stage, Michael had tried to tell them it was getting worse or give signs about his sicknesses only for the boys to roll their eyes or simply dismiss him. Luke was concerned even though he tried not to care because he would get told off by the other two, he noticed how Michael got paler, coughed harder and winced at the pain in his chest.
"Mike if you ever feel unwell during it, just tell me okay" Luke told him quickly before they went on stage.
"Thanks Luke" Michael smiled, at least one of the boys seem like they care.

They were on stage and Michael wasn't moving as much because he was struggling to breathe which made his chest feel so sore that made him think his heart was about to burst out. He coughed into his arm, everything from then was a blur. Michael suddenly felt a wave of nausea hit him. He rushed off the stage and threw up. The crew came and check his temperature and gave him a vomit bag as he was still throwing up.

One of the crew members came out on stage and told Luke what happened. The crowd was in a shock and unsure where Michael went and if he was okay.
"I'm sorry we will be taking a five minute break" Luke told the audience and walked off. Ashton and Calum gave each other a concerned yet confused look and followed Luke off the stage.
"What the fuck happened" Ashton shouted to Luke over the fans volume.
"He got sick badly and his temperature is high and they said he hasn't stopped throwing up for a minutes" Luke told them.
"Do we keep going?" Calum asked.
"Well I've been told since we only have two songs left, us three will preform and they'll take Michael to the hospital and by the time we arrive, they would have checked on him" Luke said and looked over to see the crew holding Michael up as he was in to much pain.
"Okay" Ashton said obviously upset. Two crew members were leading Michael out of the backstage area and out the venue and Calum walked up to them.
"Hey buddy, sorry we didn't believe you, were going to play these two songs the best we can and we'll come visit after, okay" Calum said and patted Michael's shoulder. Michael gave him a small smile before being lead out.
"Hi everyone Michael is sick and he wouldn't be coming back on, so I want you guys to be the best crowd you can be for the last two songs to make him happy" Luke said into the microphone and the crowd cheered.

A few hours later Michael was in a hospital bed and the boys rushed in.
"Are you okay?" Ashton asked running into the room and up to Michael's side.
"I'm okay, I just got viral pneumonia which was caused from the flu I had" Michael said and gave him a smile.
"So do you have to stay here or can you come back home?" Calum asked.
"Well the doctor said this case can improve within one to three weeks without being here which is why he gave me this medicine which I should take" Michael said and showed off the medicine which was placed on the counter next to his bed.
"I'm glad your okay Mike, can we take you home now?" Luke asked wanting to leave the hospital as soon as possible to look after his friend.
"Yeah I was waiting for you guys" Michael smiled and they got ready and left.

They were back in the hotel hallway when Ashton turned and said.
"You can sleep in my room tonight Mike, there's an extra bed" Ashton said feeling guilty.
"Are you sure?" Michael asked.
"Of course" Ashton smiled back to him.
"Mike, Ash and I, we wanted to apologise because we treated you badly because we were tired and thought you were being dramatic, when you weren't and I've felt guilty and horrible and I'm so sorry" Calum said.
"It's okay, I would of thought I was pretending as well" Michael said and smiled and tugged on the sleeves of his hoodie.
"You're too nice, anyway have a goodnight guys" Calum said and gave Michael a hug before going to his hotel room.
"Get plenty of rest Mike, you too Ash" Luke said and waved before turning into his room.
Ashton and Michael walked into Ashton's hotel room. Michael got ready for bed and Ashton gave him his medicine.
"Now get a good night sleep and if anything is bad tell me, like if you're throat feels sore again" Ashton said in a panic.
"Ash calm down I'm okay, thank you for caring about me even when you didn't, I secretly knew you did" Michael said.
"Okay, goodnight Mike" Ashton said and turned off the light and the two boys went to bed.

Michael recovered in two weeks from the pneumonia. The boys made sure he was getting plenty of rest and took his medicines at the right time. Michael was very thankful for them and Ashton and Calum made sure he was okay because they felt terrible for ignoring him which Michael found funny. Michael was healthy and ready to start performing again and the boys made sure not to dismiss anyone again if they say they feel sick.
I hope you enjoyed this!!
Thank you for giving me this wonderful idea :)
I love you all and I'm thankful for you all. I also hope you and your loved ones are staying safe during these times x
Remember if you come up with an idea or something you want to see, DM ME
- Steph xo

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