As always pt 2

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"Adrien? I didn't think you would want to do that. She is like a sister."

"I know. But what better way to keep her safe than to marry her myself?"

"That is a good point. If Marinette agrees to it, then I approve. Marinette?"

Her heart squeezed on itself. Why? Why would Adrien marry her? What would marriage entail? Could she do it?

She looked at Adrien. Spotting no resistance against his earlier statement.

She looked at Gabriel. He was the same as always. But, different. The way he talked. It was fast, urgent. Like he couldn't stand the thought of her leaving the mansion.

"Okay. I'll marry Adrien."

They both looked relieved. Like they couldn't stand the thought of her marrying a stranger.

"Alright. You don't have to tell anyone. We will just have you two sign the paperwork necessary."

He sat down in his grand chair. That meant that he was done talking. Marinette and Adrien turned and walked out the door.

Adrien was quiet, as always. But he stopped.

"Hey, so. This is a little weird. I know. So, I want you to know that, well, this is a bit hard to say, but, I like you. Like, a lot. And it's weird that I'm marrying the girl I like without her knowing. So, yeah. I decided to tell you."

"You like me?"

"Um, yes."

"Oh. Well. Um. I-I Like y-you too." She blushed red and looked at the floor.

"Really?!" He turned a very light shade of pink.

"Um yeah. I have for a while now."

He grabbed her and hugged her.

"I'm so happy I decided I wanted to marry you Mari."

"Me too."

He grabbed her hand and kissed it softly.

"I-I Don't think it would be a good idea to tell anyone we're married yet."

"I agree. The fan girls would shred you to pieces."

He grabbed her hand again and led her into the kitchen. There would be a lot of planing to be done if they wanted to get married in time for the deal to be valid.

Marinette sat down and grabbed her sketchbook. She decided to make her own dress. She took inspiration from the flowers in the table. And the mantel on it.

A week passed by. And before they knew it, it was time.

The gathering was quite small. Jut Gabriel, Tom, Annalise, Adrien, Marinette, Natalie, and the Gorilla.

Adrien walked to the table were the papers were laid. He stood, waiting for his bride to come down the stairs of the mansion. He heard clicking. And he turned around. And saw her.

She was beautiful

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She was beautiful. And not just on the inside. She walked down the stairs. Her father waiting for her at the bottom.

There was of course a photographer. After all, it was their wedding day.

Vows were exchanged. Papers signed. And at last, the minister said,

"You may kiss your bride." They had "practiced" all week for that moment. Adrien held her. And kissed her. And Marinette followed suit.

They didn't have a huge party. Instead, they ate a cake that Marinette and Adrien had made the previous night.

And the last tradition they held. They slow danced to a song that Adrien had composed earlier during the week.

Play song from above now

They danced to the rhythm. Adrien twirled her slowly.

Once that was over

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Once that was over. The "party" was declared over.

Gabriel had a decorator come to the mansion and redecorate Adrien's room so that it fit Marinette's taste too. The couple tried to tell him that it was perfect the way it was but Gabriel wouldn't listen.

So, in the meantime, the couple slept in Marinette's room. Not that it mattered. As long as there was a blanket they were fine.

A week passed and it was time for the magazine to debut. Marinette tried to walk to school as she usually did. But Gabriel told her that she should start riding the limousine with Adrien for safety reasons.

She knew he was right. But she didn't enjoy it. She got in and they drove off.

Once at school, Adrien walked out of the limo first. Pausing to say hi to Nino and Alya. Then he turned around and helped out Marinette.

Alya and Nino started whispering. In fact, everyone was whispering.

"I told you this was a bad idea."

"Nothing that involves you is ever a bad idea M'lady."

He held her hand and Marinette shut the door. They walked towards a stunned Alya and Nino.

"Sup guys?" Marinette said. She looked at Alya confused. Then she realized why Alya looked flabbergasted. She was still holding Adrien's hand.

She let go quickly and pulled away from him. He looked at her. Confused and sad. She just eyed him a bit. He looked at Alya then, at Nino, and finally at Marinette.

"Can we at least tell them? It's been a week."

Marinette looked at him.

"Adrien. Now we have to tell them." Marinette had a look of disappointment on her face.

"Okay. Both of you. Right now. What have you been hiding for a week?" Alya said. Completely serious.

"Fine. But not here. Someone might be listening. Well now that I think about it, where's Chloe? She hasn't yelled at me yet."


Just as Adrien started to talk, there was a pterodactyl screech from far away.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, get away from my Adrikins." Chloe marched her way towards the group. Marinette and Adrien looked down. They had held hands without knowing it. Adrien held on tighter.

"Let go of him right now. Get your slimy hands off of my-"

"Don't you dare talk about her like that."


"No. You will stop calling me that. And you will respect my wife."

"Adrien!" Marinette looked around. There was a crowd. And phones. Lots of phones.

"No. She's blackmailing you. It's okay. I'll make sure she can't hurt you."

"No Chloe. Marinette and I are married. And I have not been blackmailed into it."

Adrien grabbed Marinette and kissed her. Just to show that he was telling the truth.

"I know."

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