As always part three

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Marinette and Adrien looked at Chloe.

"I know that you are married. Just like I know why. And like I know so many things about you Marinette. So many big things that you think only you and Adrien know. Things that would be bad for your reputation if they got out."

"Chloe. Stop this." Adrien said. He looked mad at her.

"Why? Why did you have to volunteer? Oh yeah. Hey everyone, they didn't get married because they're in love. Oh no." Chloe looked at Marinette. She snarled and laughed. "They got married to save little Marinette's butt. Won't you tell us? Won't you tell them about your home? About your mom?"

Marinette looked at Chloe one last time. And she ran. She turned around and booked it towards the Agreste mansion.

"Why don't you tell them? What are you so afraid of?"

"That is enough. I will not allow you to talk to her like that I will not let you talk about the woman that I love and married like that. From this moment on, you are dead to me. I don't want you to talk to me. I don't want you to look at me. Nothing." Adrien said with venom in his words.

"Adrien? Adrikins. You don't mean that."

"I do." He turned around and ran after Marinette. He stopped and sighed. Turned around again and said.

"Alya, Nino, I think it's time for you to talk to her." He beckoned them and the three of them ran after Marinette.


Marinette ran to the gate and imputed her code. Natalie looked through the camera and rushed towards the crying girl. Natalie was the closest person to a mother that both Adrien and Marinette had.

Behind the cameras, the doors of the mansion, Natalie cared for the children, trying to keep them happy.

"Mari? Mari honey." Natalie opened the door and hugged the broken girl.

"What are you doing here? What happened?"

"C-Chloe..." she trailed off. Natalie knew what she meant. She had feared that would happen. But nonetheless held onto the girl.

They were still on the floor when Adrien and his two friends busted through the door. Marinette and Natalie looked up, surprised.

Natalie let go of the girl and helped her up.

"Hello. Im Natalie. Gabriel's assistant. I'll ask the chef to make something to eat and excuse you from school." She turned around and left the room.

"Mari?" Alya said softly. Marinette looked at Alya and started crying again.

"No, no my lady. Don't cry. It's not your fault. None of what she said was true. None of it." He said while holding her.

"Nette. I'm not gonna pressure you into talking. We can stay here and cry. But I am curious."

"Nino!" Alya smacked the back of his head. His hat flying off.

"No. No it's fine. You deserve to know." Adrien kissed Marinette and led everyone to the dining room.

"It's so big!" Alya said. "How many people eat here?"

"Just us two. Natalie ate here too when we were younger." Adrien answered.

"So, let's sit. This is pretty heavy." Marinette said.

"Okay. We are all ears."

"When I was born, my mom gave me to my dad. And left."

"Oh no girl, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. I don't care about her. Anyways, my dad, not feeling he could provide for me, took me here. To the Agreste mansion. I grew up here."

"Wait. So, you live here. Not in the bakery?"

"No. I don't live in the bakery. I used to have my own room but...." she trailed off blushing.

Adrien coughed a bit. And turned to hide his own blush.

"So, the people you see in there are actors. They are paid to work there and make sure no one goes upstairs. Upstairs, lives Tom and his family. He is married to Annalise. They have 2 kids."

"But, what does Chloe have on you that could life altering?"

"My mom. She, isn't a good person. She would rather i die than use any of her energy to help me. But, she decided that she wanted me back about two months ago. When we learned, we had a talk. And decisions where made. I would marry Adrien. And stay here in the mansion."

"Wow. That's harsh."

"Well, I volunteered to marry her because it was a perfect way to tell her that I had loved her since we were 8. And, so here we're are. Married, and maybe some babies?" Adrien looked at Marinette suggestingly.

"No. Stop looking at me like that. No babies. I'm 18. I'm not going through nine month as of agony yet."

"Yet. You said yet." He said matter of factly.

They heard a cough and turned around to see their friends smirking.

"What?" Marinette said while blushing.

"Oh, nothing. Nothing at all." Alya said.

"So, should we go to our room?"

"Yea! We can give a grand tour!"

Then four of them traveled upstairs and had fun upstairs.


3 years later

"Adrien!" Marinette screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Mari?" Adrien and Nino came running upstairs. Alya wanted to go too but she could only waddle so far before she had to take a break.

"Nino!!!" Alya screamed. Nino looked at Adrien. The men ran towards their own wives.

"Adrien! Owwww. My water broke. Auughhhhhh."

"Nino. Uuuugggghhhhh. My water. It broke."

"Dude. It's okay."

"Don't call me dude. I'm your wife idiot"

Both women were in the hospital soon enough.


"Happy 10th birthday guys."

Four of the kids had the same birthday. Emma and Luis, the Agreste twins and Alina and Nate, the Lahiffe twins. The four were best friends. And they would be forever.

Agreste kids total count: 4

Lahiffe kids total count: 4

So, I'm not dead. I just got writer's block so.... here it is. Sorry. It's rushed. But it's done

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