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I can’t sleep. Thoughts lifting up my mind to the state that it couldn’t keep me silent. I rise up to my own self and start walking out of my so own called “home”. I take my bike and ride down this lonely town’s only graveyard. On my way down, I start thinking about why in the hell am I still in this pathetic little world, which isn’t going to please me of living, and no one is here to love me the way I needed them to. I wondered again and again, until I have come to my realization that I have arrived  in front of “Lord Hill Graveyard”. I know it’s just a really weird name for a town, it is because our town was nominated for the most religious town in the whole state of Maryland, a small town, in a small state. 

I park my bike outside the gate, and proceeding inside, as usual it was never locked. So, just as my mind told me; to the right, the third one next to the tree, there lies my father, six feet under. He died when I was 12; people said that he died of suffocation, tragic, really. I would come here every single day after school, when I was on the seventh grade until I was a sophomore. I used to love every single bit of school, because I was the “funny” one; it stopped last year; wait, I’m out of topic. I will come here every single day and talk to my dad, and pretended that he was laughing to every joke I made, and will understand every conflict I had at school. But it came to myself, that, I wasn’t talking to my dad all this time, I was talking to myself. 

I would go to church to pray every single day, that I will have that friend I’ve always wanted, a friend who I can rely on, the one who can understand what I had been through this pass 5 years without my father. I checked my watch, it is 2 am in the morning. Then I start talking to him again,

“Hey dad, how’s it going?” I smiled, even though the tears are pushing itself to pour down. “I’ve been having fun at school, everything is alright nothing to worry about.”

Wow, I’m such a liar. Do you know that situation where you just want your parents to not worry about you? Yes I’m in that position. Except in this case, I’m talking to a dead one. I sat down and start talking to myself for around half an hour until I feel my legs numb; oh yeah it’s November, and it’s freezing. So then I stand up, clean the back of my sweatpants and turn around just to see a silhouette. A silhouette that is walking towards my direction.


Hey there! This is just a short prologue of my new fan fiction. I hope this could last longer than my normal fanfics (which is in my other account). Sorry if there are any grammatical errors. So I hope you like this and I will be updating every Tuesday and Friday? How's that sound? :) Also, there's a photo of Madison Davenport who plays as Skye, or anyone you wish should play Skye. Can we get this fan fiction to 10 votes please? :D love you.

Raina xx

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