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Nate’s POV

The tall man grab me by my collar and look into my eyes. He doesn’t look like a high school student. Then, what is he doing here? I don’t even know him for goodness sake! I push him and knock his hand away from me, which luckily seemed to work.

“Who the hell do you think you are? Grabbing stranger’s neck like you’re some kind of monster or something!” I shouted since there is no one around the cafeteria area anymore. I think I will need to miss my next class because of this douche. He then smirk, and pull out a small pocket knife from his overly sized black trench coat.

“Don’t go near Skye, or you don’t want that pretty face of yours to be hang on my wall, don’t you?” he pauses, his thick English accent was prominent, but that is not what I’m worried right now, he then opens the pocket knife and locate it in front of my neck, before he traces it down to my arm, and continues, “Your skin could be a beautiful carpet, and look at those blue eyes, how beautiful would it be for those to be blend out, to become a smoothie. Oh, some apple will be good with it too,” What the hell? Is he some kind of a psycho or something? I am literally speechless and out of words. The pocket knife dig into my skin, but it does not make me flinch, I do not want him to see me weak. 

“Who the fuck are you? I just met Skye, she’s a wonderful girl, and she’s nice. And for the record, no, I’m not going to leave her alone,” He slit my arm skin open. Then, a bunch of people were going to the lab and he took the pocket knife out of my skin and cleaned it with my shirt. He still has his face clenched. He seems confuse to still continue his disgusting act or just leave me alone, I guess he chose the second option.

“Next time, it will be your throat,” he threaten, but I have no fear from him, he does send some bad vibe though. He then walk away, and glance left and right, maybe to make sure no one saw his sick actions. I look down and blood is still streaming down my arms. Great, now I need to go to the nurse and explain how I got this huge ass scar. Even though I’ll probably say a stupid reason for it.

Harry’s POV

How dare he fucking touch my angel, she’s mine, and only mine! “You should have end it right there.” My subconscious talks to me. “But there were people walking by,” I pause, still have my face turn down, “But the next time I see that quiff ass with Skye, that man is dead gone,” I thought in my head, imagining that my subconscious is a real person that is talking to me right now. I go back and walk back to my house, which isn’t as far as you would thought, from Skye’s. My house is at the edge of the street with grey paint all over the walls. Luckily, Skye has no idea who I am, where I live, nor what I am. 

I open the fridge, took a bottle of beer and open the cap using my teeth. “My teeth had not been used for it’s uses for a while,” I thought. I smirk and think what these could do with Skye’s neck. I can do so much with these tongue and this fingers.. I’ve just got to use this for it’s job you know? Even though I don’t want to scare skye out with my first appearance to her later this afternoon, I can’t just stop thinking about her, intimately. I think I am sexually frustrated. God. I take a huge gulp out of the beer and walk to the couch, while the television is still playing, and turn on my laptop and start searching for that Nate guy I met earlier. I open the internet and the google homepage pops out. From the source I’ve heard earlier, his father moved from New York to this small town, that means his dad must have been a famous man, maybe a huge business man. 

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