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Harry’s POV

My blood is still rushing. My temper is uncontrollable. “Just snap him out, and he’ll be gone, forever, for good,” my subconscious whispers. I shake my head, but still dominating the man below me. I can’t. My head is overpowering my whole body. I can’t fucking stop. The man choked, gasping for air. His face is blue, as blue as the sea, I love this scene. I love dominating over people, especially the rebels.My strength gave me even more motivation to kill him. I feel pity for him. 

30 seconds passed.

1 minute passed.

2 minutes passed.

3 minutes passed.

I check his pulse, it’s gone. The smirk I cannot hide, and the proudness washes over me. “Good job Styles,” my subconscious told me after I followed his instruction. I let go of the man and lay him down on the floor. Looking left and right, making sure no one saw this “incident”. I stand up like nothing had happened. I walk out of the aisle, still not looking guilty and walk coolly out of the store. I don’t feel any guilt or any sympathy to the man, except for pity, to be dead while grocery shopping. I chuckle. What is wrong with me? Then my mind give me a question, 

“Where the hell is Skye?”

I hope she is feeling well, I think I scared her. But as long as she’s safe, I will remain calm. I think she went home. Afraid of the scene that took place 10 minutes ago inside Walmart. Poor Skye. Why am I pitying everyone today? I wish I can comfort her, strike her hair, touch her, have her calling my name multiple times. Nice, Harry. This is how you attract girls for your first impressions. Once again the voices in my head are still shouting back answers where in actually, I don’t need one. I am back in my car going back home. On the way home all I could think about is Skye. I reach out my porch, open my door and run to my room. I don’t wait and  turn my computer on, to open the security camera application that shows me Skye’s room. 

How did I do this? Well, last year I pretended to be a window-fixer, or whatever they called it. Skye wasn’t home and her mom lets me in easily. Probably because every now and then I would smile sweetly at her, convincing enough that I’m a nice man. Which is not what I think will describe my personality best. She then leaves me and prepare for dinner. So then I installed a small camera up her dresser, luckily behind it there’s an electrical source. I then went to Skye’s mom and said that I left my nails at my place and she bought that, and I never came back. 

So back to looking at her room. The colour of her room is baby blue, her favourite colour. To my relief she was laying down on her bed reading some books that isn’t clear enough to be seen. She is laughing Again, she’s so effortlessly beautiful.

Skye’s POV

I’m reading the play “The Tempest” by Shakespeare. It’s our homework from Mr Alex. We’re on the part where Stephano and Trinculo made Caliban as their slave. I think slavery should have never existed in this world. It’s cruel and dishonouring each individual’s place, dignity and pride. I want there to be full equality in this world, where no one is left behind. But I know it is impossible, due to every judgment made by all of us. Humans just can’t shut up, can’t we?

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