Jung Hoseok: Dance Partner

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The music flowed through the dance studio like leaves floating in a summer's breeze.

I glided across the floor in delicate movements , I moved my body gracefully to the soft sounds of the background music.

This was what I lived for, what I strived to become in the future; a professional dancer and choreographer.

It had always been a dream of mine, ever since I was a little girl learning how to walk.

My parents even said I could dance before I could run, and I believed them.

The song ended and the music was soon replaced by slow clapping coming from behind me.

I whipped my head around, looking over my shoulder, I was previously unaware of the visitor lingering at the door of the studio.

There in all his glory stood my dance partner, Jung Hoseok.

He was smiling just like always, and his hair fell perfectly along his forehead.

I tore my eyes from his gaze and walked to get my bag, desperately trying to avoid showing my embarrassment.

I had just danced to my own choreography, no one else had ever seen it except me.

It was like my dirty little secret except, well, not so dirty I suppose.

I stuffed my water bottle and jumper into my small backpack.

I jumped in fright when I felt Hoseok's breath on my neck.

I turned to face him, eyes squinted in anger and my face red from dancing.

What a way to look while you're face to face with the most handsome human being that you knew.

Hoseok continued to smile, as always.

Did he ever stop? That's probably not likely.

I sighed before swinging my bag over my shoulder and turning on my heel, making my way to the door.

Hoseok briskly walked in front of me, blocking my way out.

I huffed in annoyance.

"Hoseok I need to go now, move aside please"

He just laughed at me, before stepping forward forcing me to take a step back.

He continued his advance, and I took a step back each time, until my back was pressed up against the wall.

My chest tightened as Hoseok closed the gap between us.

"That was great choreography by the way y/n, nice fluidity and pace throughout"

I was beyond confused, he felt the need to pin me to a wall to tell me that he like my dance?

I took a deep breath before pressing my hands against his shoulders, trying to push him away.

I failed obviously, the guys was 99% muscle.

"That's great and all Hoseok, now would you be ever so kind as to move now?"

I tried the polite approach, rather than throwing a whole hissy fit.

Again Hoseok just laughed at my attempt to make him move.

He brought a hand up to my face and gently caressed the side of my cheek.

Believe me when I say I went fifty shades of red.

"It's cute how you're so polite y/n, but to answer your question no I'd rather stay here. I'm actually quite enjoying this position"

His smile turned to a smirk, I had no idea what was going on.

I opened my mouth to speak but was interrupted almost immediately by Hoseok leaning in and pressing a firm kiss to my lips.

I pulled away in shock, hitting my head against the wall in the process.

I rubbed the back of my head in pain, squeezing my eyes shut.

I opened my eyes and felt a soft kiss being pressed against my temple.

"You're always so clumsy y/n"

I shifted my eyes to the floor, unable to hold his gaze any longer.

"But that's what I love about you baby"

I couldn't believe it, my head snapped up to look Hoseok in the eyes.

"I love you y/n"

And for the first time, when he leaned in to kiss me, I kissed him back.

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