Min Yoongi: The Yule Ball

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The castle grounds buzzed with the excitement of the upcoming Yule Ball, Hogwarts had officially become a hunting ground for students desperately searching for a date.

Y/n sat on her bed flipping through her transfiguration book as her roommates paced around the dorm.

"Y/n it's amazing! Rachel heard from Namjoon, who heard from Jin, who was told by Jimin and Taehyung, that the Jeon Jungkook is going to ask you to the ball!"

Y/n rolled her eyes and closed her book lightly, placing it back on top of her bedside table.

"Girls you know that's ridiculous, why would Jeon want to ask me to the ball. I mean come on, we barely know each other!"

"He's in our potions class Y/n! He's always staring at you during our assignments."

Again Y/n just ignored her friends, Jeon was not going to ask her to the ball, what would Gryffindor's quidditch captain possibly see in her?

"I've never seen him staring at me girls, that's probably an exaggeration."

Rachel groaned in frustration, Y/n was clearly clueless to Jeon's little crush on her.

"Y/n that's the idea when you stare at someone, you don't particularly want to get caught do you?"

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows, logically she knew her roommate was right.

"Well I suppose so, but I don't want to go to the ball with Jeon."

Y/n's other roommates smiled knowingly at each other and dropped what they were doing before making their way over to Y/n's bed.

"Your not thinking about Min Yoongi are you Y/n?"

The others giggled quietly with each other.

"He's three years older than us Y/n, he's a seventh year."

"And he's a Slytherin, the quidditch captain as well!"

Y/n scoffed at the girls who sat around her bed.

"So what if he's a Slytherin? You don't buy into that house prejudice do you?"

Rachel placed a comforting hand on Y/n's shoulder, smiling softly at her.

"Of course not Y/n, we just think that Jungkook is a better match for you that's all!"

Y/n scowled at the others, and pushed herself up from the bed, storming through the dorm and out into the common room.

To her, well you could say displeasure, Jeon Jungkook was seated on the couch in front of the fireplace.

His head snapped up and a smile appeared on his face immediately.

"Y/n! I've been waiting for you!"

The girl averted her eyes and continued to speed walk through the common room and hastily push open the portrait of the fat lady.

Jungkook continued to chase after Y/n, dodging the passing students on the moving staircases and running at full speed after her.

She had subconsciously walked towards the Slytherin common room in the dungeons, and was halfway down the corridor before Jungkook caught up with her.

He gently took hold of her arm and turned her around to face him.

"I, uh, I have something to ask you Y/n."

Y/n gulped, so the rumors were true then, her roommates weren't messing with her.

"Look I think you're really pretty and I've had my eye on you for a while now, so would you maybe let me take you to the Yu-"

"Hold it right there Jeon."

Jungkook was cut off by a sharp voice from the end off the corridor.

Min Yoongi was casually leaning against the wall, his signature smirk planted on his perfectly gorgeous features.

He strutted over to the pair, hands in his robe pockets and the Slytherin crest on full display.

Yoongi stopped right next to Y/n and Jungkook, before grabbing a hold of Y/n's hand and pulling her into his chest.

"Ms Y/n is accompanying myself to the ball so I suggest you back up before I mess up that pretty little face of yours in the next quidditch match."

Y/n blinked in shock, since when was she going to the ball with Min Yoongi, the Slytherin Prince himself?

Jungkook narrowed his eyes at Yoongi, his fists clenching by his sides.

"Well then, I'll be off Min, watch your back during the next match."

He turned to face Y/n and smiled sadly at her.

"I'll see you in potions Y/n."

And with that he turned in his heel and swiftly walked away from them.

Y/n felt Yoongi let out a tired sigh above her, his arms snaking around her waist and turning her around to face him.

"Good riddance, Merlin that boy annoys me beyond wits end."

Y/n just stared at him, taking in his appearance from up close.

"Erm, hi?"

Yoongi glanced down at the girl he had trapped in his embrace.

"Well hello there darling, is something the matter?"

Y/n scoffed at the seventh year, clearly something was wrong, he just scared away Jungkook.

"Since when was I going to the ball with you Min? And why did you scare away Jungkook like that?!"

Yoongi grinned at Y/n, she was even more beautiful up close, he had spent the last four years admiring her.

He knew she was the one for him the minute her spotted her being sorted.

He was a third year at the time, and found himself completely infatuated with the newly sorted Gryffindor.

"Well he was going to ask you something I didn't want him to."

Y/n huffed, she was so cute when she's mad, at least Yoongi thought so.

"That doesn't give you the right! You just rocked up here, guns all blazing and had the sheer nerve to-"

Yoongi rolled his eyes at Y/n's outburst and cut her off by placing his lips over hers.

Y/n's eyes widened in shock, Min Yoongi was kissing her!

He wrapped his arms around her even more and pulled her into him tightly.

She brought her arms up around Yoongi's neck and kissed him back gently.

After four years she was finally his.

The pair pulled away slowly and Yoongi rested his forehead onto Y/n's.

"Go to the Yule Ball with me Y/n?"

Y/n grinned up at him and gave him a light peck on the lips.

"Of course Yoongi, I'd love to."

"Well good, I couldn't have my girlfriend going with anyone but me now could I darling?"

Y/n leaned up and kissed him again, and that was more than enough for Yoongi to know her answer was yes.

Damn I love Harry Potter so much.      Dm me for requests! Hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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