Min Yoongi: Forever Yours

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Y/n's POV

It was in that moment that any concept of time seemed to stop entirely and everything around me was frozen indefinitely.

Everyone and everything around me melted away and it was just the two of us.

Yoongi stood at the top of the aisle by the white alter surrounded in fresh bouquets of flowers.

His tux was a classic black, with a blue flower perched into the chest pocket.

He looked down at me, tears welling in his eyes while he wore the biggest smile I had ever seen.

This was it, the moment I had dreamt about for as long as I could remember, I was going to marry the man of my dreams.

I was snapped out of my daze by my father, gently tugging on my arm and continuing to escort me down the aisle.

The gazes of my family and friends followed my figure as I slowly walked past them, making my way toward Yoongi.

My mother was in tears, she hadn't yet come to terms with her baby being all grown up.

My big brother, Jimin, handed her a tissue which she gladly accepted, blowing her nose and dabbing her eyelids delicately.

Jimin looked like he was going to cry, his baby sister wasn't so little anymore, but if he could trust any man with his sister it was Yoongi.

He gave me the thumbs up, smiling so wide that his grin reached far past his eyes.

My Dad and I reached the alter, he paused briefly pulling me into a huge hug before handing me over to Yoongi.

He held his hand in mine, staring at me lovingly as the ceremony began.

"You look absolutely beautiful my love"

The ceremony continued on for some time and when the priest called for the rings to be brought up, Jin's little boy skipped up happily.

He waltz up to the priest, the rings in his tiny little hands.

The priest took my ring and handed it to Yoongi.

"Your vows if you would be so kind, Mr Min."

Yoongi clearly his throat, taking my hands again and facing me.

"Y/n, my love. When you first walked into the dorms seven years ago I knew you were the one. The one that I'd spend the rest of my life with. It was complicated at first, being in love with my best friend's sister, but the beatings and the scoldings Jimin gave me were absolutely worth it."

I turned my head to face Jimin, raising an eyebrow at him slowly.

He laughed to himself, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

I turned my attention back to Yoongi once he started his vows again.

"It was worth it because now I have the most caring, kind and amazingly gorgeous woman by my side. I promise to always love you, I always will and there's no question about that. I love you so much Park Y/n, like I've told you everyday for the past seven years, you're everything to me."

I was in tears at this stage, I loved Yoongi so much.

The priest turned his attention to me the.

"Your vow of you will Ms Park."

I took a deep breath, composing myself after crying.

"Yoongi, you are the love of my life. When I walked into the dorm behind Jimin that day you had my heart from the very first sight of you. I thought I was crazy, being in love with my older brother's band mate. You were a few years older and I thought I never stood a chance. Now I'm here, and I plan on never letting you go. I have and always will love you Min Yoongi. This is just the beginning."

I ended my vow there, to scared that I'd start the water works again.

"Mr Min, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Yoongi smiled down at me, "I do."

"And do you Ms Park, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

I stared into Yoongi's eyes, the love between us showed in his gaze.

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride"

Yoongi didn't waste any time, he pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist and leaning down to attach our lips together.

I smiled into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him back just as needy.

The cheers of our families and friends forced us to pull away.

We rested our foreheads together, focusing on nothing but this moment.

"I love you Mrs Min."

I chuckled to myself, "I love you too Mr Min, you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that."

We walked down the aisle hand in hand, greeting all our guests warmly.

Halfway down the aisle Yoongi leaned down to whisper softly into my ear.

"By the way Mrs Min, I can't wait for tonight."

My face flushed a thousand shades of red, I smacked his arm lightly.

I could practically feel the smirk in his voice.

Yoongi winked at me, dragging me towards the rest of the boys who eagerly await us at the door of the church.

I loved him so much, and now he was forever mine.

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