Jeon Jungkook: Younger

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I strolled out of the concert venue, laughing with my two friends and gushing to each other about our favorite parts of the concert.

"I swear Y/n, when Jimin flashed his abs I nearly died!"

I rolled my eyes at Jennie's constant blabbing about Jimin, how obsessed could one girl be?

"He's a lot older than you J, your still seventeen and I'm pretty sure that the kind of stuff you want to do with him are illegal."

Jennie sighed dramatically, giving me a sideways death glare.

"I'll be eighteen in three months Y/n! It's not that big of a deal, you're still only fifteen."

Rachel stepped in to save my ass, butting into the conversation just in time for me not to snap back at Jennie.

"Enjoy being young Y/n, just because you're three years younger than us doesn't mean anything."

I smiled gratefully back at her, mouthing a quick thank you and pulling out my phone to check the time.

"Miss! Miss please wait right there!"

All three of us turned our heads at once, eyeing up the middle aged man running towards us and panting in exhaustion.

Jennie was the first to speak when the man finally caught up to us.

"You were looking for me sir? Can I help you with something?"

She twirled a strand of hair between her fingers, batting her mascara coated lashes and staring up at him.

Jesus this girl sure was something.

"No miss not you, I was addressing the young lady next to you."

Jennie pouted, fixing her gaze on me and I'm positive she wanted me dead at this stage.

Why was I friends with this girl again?

I tugged at my sleeve nervously, wondering why this strange man was looking for me out of all people.

"If you wouldn't mind I'd like you to follow me, someone backstage requests your presence."

I furrowed my brows together, someone wanted to see me?

Rachel's smile was even wider, she pushed my shoulder lightly, beckoning me to go.

"We'll get going now, see you later Y/n!"

She proceeded to grab Jennie by the wrist and pull her towards the train station before she had the chance to open her big mouth.

I turned back towards the man, nervously glancing up to meet his warm smile.

"Follow me please miss, you'll be okay, and I'm sure very happy as well."

I walked behind the man, swerving around numerous armys with their newly bought merch pressed tightly in their arms.

We came to a door labeled "Staff Only", the man whispered something into the bodyguard's ear and her opened it up and let us enter.

I continued to follow the man through various winding corridors and hallways.

He stopped outside a large door, turning around to let me catch up to him.

"Go on in miss, this person has been anxious to meet you from the beginning of the concert."

I thanked the man, and took a hold of the door handle and twisted the knob.

I slowly opened it and stepped inside, closing the door shut behind me.

The room was very large, and I could tell it was a dressing room from the rack of clothing in the corner and piles of hair and makeup products spread around a makeshift table.

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