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We're fucked, you and I

We have lived our lives, caught in the cover of the other person, trapped in their shadow like a tractor beam

We fulfill our duties, we smile when they tell us to, we cry when it is necessary and we have our meltdowns according to the script

But its all just an act

We are insane, you and I

Or maybe its just me

I watch you from the sidelines, cheering everybody else on but leaving no happiness for yourself

I wonder how much your soul is worth and if you would trade it for just a moment of peace

To a time when we were not disappointments

To a time when we were not seen as "genetic dead ends"

I try to listen to my heartbeat yet I cannot feel it

I am not a monster

I am not a demon

In the eyes of the darkness and the light,

In the presence of angels and devils,

In the eyes of a father who could not love,

I am just a disappointment

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