Fig Tree

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Be warned, this tale is not so sweet

The title can be misleading

Do not come here for happy stories and beautiful songs

Cuz if you think that's what poetry is made of, you're dead wrong

You ask someone about love and they tell you about heartbreak

Without even realizing it, we dance to the beat of our hearts

Like drums, they pulverize the air

Such soft abandon, devoid of all care

She was just a young girl

So naive about the world

He was a soldier, coming home from war

Oh, the things he had seen

Humans being ripped apart

Bombs flying through the dark

Bursts of light in the middle of the night

A toxic sunshine

The smell of gunpowder clogging your nose

Your heart, caught in your throat

So many humans, shown no mercy

So many humans, didn't know what they were doing

And once again, it's everybody's fault

We know the script, we've read the lines

Then how did this love become another story out of time?

A tragic romance with a scarred man and a maiden who thought he could change

It's Beauty and the Beast

With a big chance of rain

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