A day without jeff is a day in hell wait he is awake!

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I sat by his bead the whole night i never moved. i even fought off the nurses that tried to take me out of the room. I just sat there hoping he would wake up soon. i sat my head up and cried. "hey"  someone said from behind me. wait i know that voice. "lio" i asked. "yes (Y/N) its me" he said. "yea well its bean five days and jeff still hasnt woken up" i cried. "its ok (Y/N) im here for you" Lio walked over to me and gave me a big hug which i returned. "thanks lio" i said. "ok so fill me in on what happened here" lio said. "Those bullies that took your wallet came back for round 2 at my little brothers birthday part i killed 2 of them and jeff killed the one that was lit on fire the police saw but thanks to others backing me up they know it was in self defense and its all my fault if i didnt try and help out jeff sooner and not try to beat the shit out of my ex troy non of this would have ever happened" i said a couple of tears coming out of my eye. We heard thebed ruffle s tad bit and turned to it. Wait is he awake!. i grabbed his hand and asked him. "if your awake squeeze my hand please" i asked. my hand was squeezed meaning he was awake. "oh my gosh lio jeff is awake. "im so happy he is" lio said. "oh thank god you are" i said. Me and lio cried because jeff was awake. "(Y/N) hun im sorry but we need to head home now" my mom said. "ok mom. 

5 days later

iv bean visiting jeff often. he is healing better and better and today there gonna do the unwrapping. I was on my way to the hospital right now. Once we got there i went to his room. I saw his family right next to the bathroom. jeff was unwrapping his face bandage and i made my way threw his family. I got by lio just in time for jeffs face wrap to fall off. He stared at himself in the mirror and put his hand on his face. "my face" jeff said. "jeff your face is ok" his mom said. "ok no its not ok its PERFECT HAHAHA" jeff said while laughing. there is something wrong with him. "doctor what going on with my son" jeff's mother asked. "its just the pain medicine he will be ok by tomorrow but if he dosnt stop bring him back here" the doctor said. me and my mom headed home after that.  I got home and we made dinner. my little brother is still sad about what happened at his birthday party. Me and my mom cooked mac n cheese for him. After we were done we all ate and had a good night. What i didnt know is that tonight something bad will happen. 

Jeff's P.O.V

I was in my room happy about my new look. I love that my face was pale. my hair was jet black and reached down my neck. It was night and everyone was asleep. I was trying to smile but it hurt bad. I have an idea if i cant smile ill carve one. I walked own to the kitchen and grab a kitchen knife. I walked up to the bathroom and lookde in the mirror. I brang the knife up to the corner of my lips and carved into them and made a bloody line up to my cheak bone. It hurt like hell but beauty is pain. I did the same to my other cheek my blood falling in the sink. I looked at my carved in smile and was happy. I wanted to sleep so bad because i was tired. But i didnt want to stop looking at it though. I got an idea. I went down to the kitchen and grabbed a lighter and walked back up to the bathroom. I then burnt my eye lids off. this hurt so bad but i love it. "oh my gosh" i heard my mom say "arnt i beautiful mommy" i said. "yes you are hold on let me wake dad up so he can see your face" she said. She walked out of the bathroom to go wake my dad up. I had this feeling to fallow her so i did. "honey get the gun our son's got insane" she said. "mom you lied" i said. I ran at her with my knife and stabbed her multiple times in the chest. My dad pointed the gun at me but was to afraid to pull the trigger. I ran at him and stabbed him multiple times in the chest. I carved to amazing smiles in there face so they would look as beautiful as me. I wrote on the wall with there blood "Go To Sleep" i went to my brothers room next. I walked to his room and opened up the door. I walked to his bed and saw him sleeping. I covered his mouth with my hand and said "go to sleep" and stabbed him non stop and sliced up his face he was no longer breathing so i knew he was dead. I carved a smile into his already sliced up face and went out of the house. Then i headed in to the the woods.

(Y/N) P.O.V

I was getting ready for bed brushing my teeth and all. Ever since i killed troy i have bean having this urge to get more blood on my hands and i didnt care who's blood it was as long as it was someones. I walked over to my bed and grabbed my phone and texted liu. We always stayed up this late."liu im bored" i waited for a reply to get nothing. "liu hello you there?" i texted. I sent it and i finally got a respond back."hello im sorry to say but the person you are texted is no longer alive this is the police we have his phone for some kind of evidence" the text said. I dropped my phone after reading that. I started to cry i didnt know what to do. The weird part is i deleted jeff's number because when he got home i got hella pissed at him because he blamed me for not rescuing him in time. I cried and cried until i fell asleep. I woke off to my alarm beeping. thank god it was saturday so i could just take a walk and get my mind off of this. They were the only friends i even came close to having just to have them taken away from me.

(sorry the way i wrote it the last time didnt make sence)

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