chapter 1

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"Come on! Mom said we're laeving in two minutes!!" Charlotte bangs on the bathroom door harder. "Jenny!! I need to use the bathroom to. Hurry up!!"

Charlotte sighs irritated at her twin. She grabs her bag and heads to the truck. Her mother looks behind her. "Where's your sister?"

Charlotte leans on the tailgate. "Still hogging the bathroom."

Her mother shakes her head. "Jenny, get your butt out here right this minute! You have been in there for twenty minutes!!"

The bathroom door flies open. Jenny rolls her eyes. "I'm coming, jeez."

Charlotte glares at her as she dramatically opens and shuts the bathroom door.


Jenny sits in the back seat and sticks her head phones in. "Mom, why do we have to go to Grandma's house? She never wanted us around for the past 17 years of our life."

Jenny's mom looks through the mirror. "Because she wants to spend time with y'all. Now please just let it go child."

Charlotte gets in the passenger seat. Her mom looks at both girls. "Y'all have everything?"

Jenny nods and Charlotte looks out the window. "I was talking to the both of you."

Charlotte turns irritated. "Yes mom."

They begin their journey to their destination. After a few hours Charlotte notices something wierd. "Mom, where are we going?"

She glances over at her daughter. "Your grandmother said she was going to pick you up at her lake house."

Jenny grins. "Yes!! I finally get to go swimming!"

Charlotte groans. "So we have to stay at a house and wait for Grandma? That makes no sense, why can't we just head straight over?"

Their mother shakes her head. "Just stop, Charlotte. I know you don't want to go see your grandmother but you need to suck it up. It's happening."

Charlotte rolls her eyes and takes her attention back to the window.

Finally they arrive at their destination. They unpack and head inside.

Their mother smiles. "She'll be by tomorrow. It will only be one night. Y'all are old enough to handle one night alone girls.."

Jenny smiles dreamily towards the pond. "I can't wait to go swimming. I bet it's cold."

Their mother smiles. "I'll see y'all in a couple of weeks. Have fun!"

Charlotte watches her mother drive off and shakes her head. She looks over at Jenny. "This is the dumbest thing ever. I don't want anything to do with her. She never wanted anything to do with us."

Jenny shrugs. "Nothing we can do about it. Besides we get to spend the whole day by ourselves!!"

Charlotte grumbles. "Yeah a whole annoying day with my loud sister."

Jenny glares at her sister and walks inside the house.

Charlotte looks back at the pond one time.. maybe a swim won't be too bad.

Within Shallow WatersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz