chapter 2

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Jenny heads into her room to get her swimsuit out of her bag. "Charlotte!! You want to go swimming with me?!"

Jenny looks out the door to see Charlotte with her headphones in. Jenny glares in her direction. "Fine ignore me. Hope you go deaf."

Charlotte smirks and turns the volume up. She walks into her room and takes out a book to read.

Jenny grabs her pink towel and heads out as the sun begins to set. She sits on the deck swirling the water with her toes. She smiles. "This is nice..."

She looks over at the window and sees Charlotte reading her book. "I'm not waiting for her."

Jenny jumps into the cold water and swims towards the other side of the pond. She lies on her back and closes her eyes. The hot air complimented the cold water so well....

Jenny floats around the pond for twenty minutes and then decides to swim back as the sun goes down.

Charlotte looks out the window and see her sister swimming back towards the deck. She gets off the bed and heads into to the kitchen.

Jenny reached for the deck and pulls herself up. She wraps her towel tightly around her and shivers. Wow it gets cold fast around here.

She looks towards the window and notices Charlotte wasn't in her room anymore. She sighs. "I don't understand her sometimes.."

She begins to walk off the deck and into the grass.


Jenny jumps when she hears a man's voice. She turns to see a man walking around the pond towards her. "Sorry, young lady. Are you one of the grand daughters of Megan Levy?"

She sighs in relief. "Yes sir. She's suppose to be here tomorrow."

The man stands in front of Jenny. His dark brown eyes stare deep into hers.. making her feel uncomfortable.

She smiles and tilts her head. "Is there anything else?"

He grins back. "Yeah I had something for you. He reaches out and grabs her, covering her mouth with a rag. Jenny struggles managing to get one scream out.


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