chapter 5

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Charlotte screamed as the door flung open and the man grabbed her.

"Please let go!!" Charlotte cried out as he dragged her across the floor to the kitchen table.

The man slammed her into the chair. He grabs the knife near the sink holding it over Charlotte.

It was in that moment Charlotte could see the anger in his eyes turn confusion. In the light she could his face clearly. His eyes were the same as hers, his hair was the same brown color. It was like looking into a reflection of herself..

For a moment anger rushed over her. Charlotte forgot about Jenny and all she could see was the dark secret her mother had held from her for so many years.

The man lowered the knife and tilted her head to the side. He looked away not exactly sure what to do. "Lucy.."

Charlotte took that chance to get rip away his hand from her shoulder.

"You won't be able to go anywhere.."

Charlotte turns and glares at the man. "I want nothing to do with you!"

The man's eyes fiercely turn to hers. "I'm not giving you the choice!! You think that I expected you to be my daughter?!"

Charlotte shakes her head. "You are not my dad. We may look alike but I'm not related to a monster!"

The man throws the knife at Charlotte catching her right in the arm.

Charlotte screams in pain. The man slowly walks over to her. "Do you think for one second that I wanted to become this. You and your disgusting mother did this to me!!"

Charlotte holds her arm in pain trying to stand back up.

The man slams her back onto the ground. "Don't move. You aren't going anywhere. This is the last time someone lies to me. If Susan believes she can lie and tell me my daughter's dead then I can do the same."

Charlotte looks up at him. "My mom's name isn't Susan. It's Caroline."

The man kicks the wall in anger. "That little witch handed you off to her sister!! When I find her I'm going to make sure she pays for this. Not only did she take you from me. She's made you live a lie as well!"

Charlotte lays her head on the ground.  Has she really been living a lie. She can feel herself become angry. What mother takes her daughter away from her father and then abandons her at her sister's house?!!

Charlotte sits up and looks at the man who has been her father for so long.

She closes her eyes and thinks to herself. Maybe I'm losing my mind but I'm starting to agree with him. Maybe she needs to die. This is her fault!! All of it!!

Within Shallow WatersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang