chapter 3

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Jenny struggles to escape this man's grasp. She could feel her head become foggy and her strength fade.

Jenny turns her head back towards the house. She closes her eyes and mumbles... "Charlotte..."

Charlotte stands at the kitchen table munching on a cookie. "What is taking Jenny so long to come in?

Charlotte sighs and gets up. She walks towards the front door then stops when she hears her cell phone ring. She runs back over to the table. "Finally, I've signal."

She looks down and smiles at the name on the caller ID. Kevin...

She sits at the table and answers the call.

"Hey, how's it going?"

Charlotte laughs. "You wouldn't believe the day I've had. My grandmother had us dropped off at this house and won't even pick us up til tomorrow. The nerve she has.."

Kevin chuckles. "Oh, what misery.. you have to spend the whole night by yourself with no adult present.. and swim in a pond... All by yourself.. horrible."

Charlotte rolls her eyes. "Whatever, I'd rather be with you in Georgia. How's that going?"

Kevin pauses. "Well, it's going.. haven't got the job yet but I feel like this might be my big break. How's Jenny?"

Charlotte gets out of her chair. "I don't know... She went swimming and I thought she was coming in."

Charlotte heads to the door but just as she's about to open the door the microwave go off. "My popcorns done."

She walks over to the microwave and pulls the bag out. "Kevin, that's the one perk... This house has unlimited popcorn."

He laughs. "Well, I got to get goin. Talk to you later. Bye."

Charlotte shuts her phone off and pours her popcorn in a bowl. Dangit Jenny...

Charlotte walks back to the door and open it up to see pure darkness.

"Jenny?! Where you at?!"

No response. Charlotte walks out towards the pier. "Jenny!! Quit playing in the water!! I can see you!"

Charlotte sighs frustrated and begins to walk over. "Jenny..?"

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