The night before Christmas

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There's a tiny bit of language in this but it's not awful I swear! Some of the dialogue was from the video above. Hope you enjoy!

Ezra took a sip of his steaming cocoa, curled up on the couch with a blanket draped over his legs. The rest of the Ghost Crew was on either side him, all crammed together to watch a Christmas film on the holonet. The lights were off for more effect, the only source of illumination was the Christmas tree which was glowing softly in the corner of the common room. Kanan had an arm around Hera who was nestled by his side, Ezra was squashed between Sabine and Zeb and Chopper sat calmly at the foot of the seat. Before he could stop himself, a yawn escaped Ezra's mouth. Instantly, Kanan looked over, able to hear the exhaled breath. 

"Getting tired Ezra?" He asked.

Ezra quickly shook his head.

"No" he lied.

He was enjoying the movie and being budged up close by his family. It made him feel safe and it was cosy. He wasn't about to go to bed because a bit of exhaustion. Hera however, saw right through him. After the final scene faded out to the credits, the woman turned down the volume. 

"You three, bed" she said, looking at the trio on the couch.

"What?" Ezra and Sabine protested in sync. 

"Hera! I'm older than them!" Zeb exclaimed.

"I know, I was talking to Chopper" Hera smirked down at the small astromech.

Instantly the little astromech went off at the Twe'lik but the pilot ignored him. 

"Hey! Kanan hasn't told the Christmas story yet, you promised every year we'd get one" Sabine cut into the droid's frustrated warbling. 

"A Christmas story?" Ezra raised a brow at Kanan.


"What? I know a few good ones" Kanan told his Padawan.

"Okay then, prove it" Ezra got comfortable.

Kanan sighed and thought for a minute.

"Got one" he said.

They all waited expectantly and Kanan cleared his throat.


"Hold it!" Ezra said.

"What?" Kanan asked.

"Who the hell says twas?"

"It's in the story" Kanan replied.

"It's old, and stupid" Ezra told him.

"It's tradition" Kanan explained.

"Tis it?" Ezra raised a brow.

Kanan rolled his eyes with a sigh.

"Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house-"

"Why is it always a house?" Ezra cut in.


"There's kids who live in apartments, how does Santa Claus get to the kids in the apartments Kanan?"

"He has to bust his ass in" Sabine told him with a grin.

"As I drew in my head and was turning around, down the chimney Saint Nicholas came with a bound" Kanan continued.

"He fell down?" Ezra asked.


"Doesn't it say his face is all red?"


"Why does no one ever see this? He's drunk off his ass!" Ezra said.

"He was dressed all in fur from his head to his foot, and his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot-"

"That, drinking and driving, covered in soot, he's smoking, and you let him into your home because he said he had something for your kids" Ezra said.

The others couldn't help but laugh at Ezra's words.

"Alright mister smart guy, teeth, bed, now" Kanan grinned playfully.

"Alright fine."

Ezra and Sabine stood from their places and headed for the door, Chopper following reluctantly.

"You weren't kidding, that story was great" the young Jedi told the Mandalorion. 

"Yeah, but after everything you said I think yours could be better" Sabine grinned.

The trio watched the kids go before Kanan sighed and put a hand to his face.

"What am I going to do about that boy?" He asked.

Hera chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"He's your Padawan, everything he learned, he learned from you."

It's gonna be Christmas morning for the rebels as soon as I update the next part. What do you think they got each other?

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐉

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