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Ezra yelped at the sound of an airhorn, arms flailing as he toppled out from his bunk. He lifted the blanket he was under over his head to see Sabine and Zeb chuckling at him.

"Morning Sleeping Beauty" Zeb grinned, putting the airhorn on the shelf beside him.

"Nice bedhead" Sabine commented.

"Got quite the rats nest yourself" Ezra quipped back, heaving himself up.

"Come on kid, everyone else just got up" Zeb said already heading out the door. 

By 'just got up' Zeb meant everyone was still waking up from their drowsy states. Kanan's hair was a mess, Hera had sleep in the corner of her eyes and even Chopper seemed to be swaying as he rolled alongside the two adults.

"Morning you three" Kanan said, rubbing his eyes while Hera yawned.

"Who fired an airhorn off?"
She asked sleeply.

"What time is it anyway?" Ezra looked at Sabine.

"Who cares? Come on!"

Sabine grabbed Ezra's wrist and pulled him down the hall to the common room. The others followed at a slower pace, smiles pulling at their lips.

"Oh wow" Ezra gasped.

Sitting underneath the tree was a pile of wrapped gifts.

"Well, we gonna stand here gawking all day?" Kanan asked.

And that's how Ezra found himself surrounded with wrapping paper as he opened his gifts. From Kanan he got a very old book on Jedi history, from Hera a new belt, Zeb got him a box of his favourite biscuits, and Chopper surprisingly got him a hologram projector for photos. But Sabine's gift made his breath catch. Under the silver and indigo paper lay a small, brown Lothcat toy. He stared at it before lifting it with trembling hands.

"What you got there Ezra?" Hera asked, putting on the new jacket Sabine had gotten her.

"I...I..." Ezra was at a loss for words.

"Oh, I found that at your old house Ez, thought it belonged to you?" The Mandalorin said, looking at the explosives Hera had purchased for her.

"She...she did belong to me" Ezra nodded, running his thumb over the soft faded material.

"She? What did you name that thing?" Zeb asked from looking at new armour from Kanan.


"Well, what was it?" Sabine asked eagerly.

Ezra flushed, ducking his head.

"Aw come on Ezra" Hera smiled.

"You can tell us."

"Yeah, we won't judge you" Kanan promised.

"O-Okay, I...I called her..." Ezra looked away.


It was soft and barely audible, but they heard it.

"Lailia? Doesn't that mean 'love' in the Lothal tounge?" Hera asked curiously.

Ezra nodded, blushing furiously.

"I honestly expected something a lot more embarrassing" Sabine admitted.

"But Lailia is quite nice."

Ezra's head snapped up.


"Yeah, I mean, it's kinda cheesy, but still nice."

"Kinda cute actually" Kanan smiled.

Ezra chuckled, standing then embracing Sabine tightly.

"Thanks for this Sabine, it means a lot."

"No problem little bro, merry christmas" Sabine hugged back.



The explosive detonated, creating a show of green and white light.

"I AM THE KING OF FIRE!" Ezra shouted, throwing another creating a green and red contrast.

"Not bad, your highness" Sabine grinned.

"Not too bad yourself, oh mighty god" Ezra quipped back, a dopey grin on his face.

The Ghost Crew were outside their flying home, launching illegal fireworks but hey, they were rebels after all so anything illegal was classified as 'fun' for them. Kanan and Zeb were currently lighting the tree on fire while Chopper laughed like a maniac as he ran around with gasoline.

"Okay, everyone! Listen up!" Hera called.

"Today was Ezra's first Christmas in years, so, I'd like to propose a toast!" She held up a bottle of drink.

"To our family, which has grown and become stronger!"

The others whooped, holding up their own bottles.

"Merry Christmas everyone!" Ezra shouted, smiling so big the largest star couldn't compare.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" They shouted into the cold, perfect night.

Jesus this took WAAAAAY too long to finish. Sorry guys. Haha, oh well, it's finished now.
Hope you enjoyed. I'll be writing another Christmas story this year but it will probably be with Voltron Legendary Defender because I fricking LOVE that show.
Bye for now!

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐉

A Rebels ChristmasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora