Chapter Two

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"Wanna help dada make some pancakes?" I asked Lily as we entered the kitchen.

She smiled and nodded, making her wild curls shake. "Mhm."

Then she reached out for me, wanting me to pick her up as I usually did when she helped me make breakfast.

I picked her up and sat her on the counter in front of me as I went through the cabinets for supplies.

Lily always wanted to help me make breakfast...she was my little princess, and she knew that.

She knew that I love her with every fiber of my being...just like I love her mother.

Notice I said "love"...there is no past tense. I still love them...all three of them. I always will.

Once breakfast was completed, I helped Liliana into her high chair and set her plate in front of her.

I had already cut up her pancakes for her and she danced happily while I poured a little syrup and gave her one of her forks.

"Don't forget to say grace." I reminded her.

She nodded and closed her eyes, bowing her head and putting her hands together.

"Tank you God for dada and mama and yummy panny takes. Amen." Then she stuck her fork in and started eating.

I chuckled and fixed Ava a plate.

Just as I fixed my own plate and poured everyone a drink, Ava entered the kitchen.

"Good morning." She greeted, pressing a kiss to my lips.

I kissed her back. "Good morning baby."

She smiled and her eyes found the plates on the counter. "Ooh pancakes."

I chuckled, handing her the plate I made for her. "Lily's idea." I told her.

She turned to Liliana, who was devouring her pancakes, now covered in syrup as she ate with her hands.

"Mama!" She cheered when Ava walked up to her to kiss her sticky cheek.

"Good morning baby." Ava sweetly greeted. "Dada make good pancakes?"

Lily giggled and nodded. "Mhm..yummy panny takes."

Ava smiled and claimed a seat at the table. I claimed the seat beside her.

Once we'd finished breakfast, I washed the dishes while Ava bathed Lily.

We were going to have visitors later. Steph was coming over, bringing his two beautiful girls and his wife so that the women could talk, the men could watch sports, and the kids could play together.

When Ava brought Lily back downstairs, she was wearing a simple white tee and a pair of overall shorts. Her hair was brushed into two curly puffs and she wore a white headband with flowers.

"Dada." She reached for me as Ava brought her into the living room where I was straightening up.

"Hey princess. You look beautiful." She giggled at my compliment.

"Tank you dada."

I smiled at her and she giggled some more.

I handed her back to Ava and went to shower.

The moment I entered the bathroom, a very quiet voice entered my head.

'She doesn't love you'

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