Chapter Six

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There she was...Tasha, sitting high in the crowd, blowing me a kiss.

"You okay man?" Steph questioned as he followed my gaze. "Did you see someone?"

I shook my head quickly and turned to look at him. "Nah."

Another lie. And I've lost track of what number this is.

Since Steph didn't know Tasha, he didn't know who my gaze was fixed on.

But had he known...then maybe it wouldn't have gotten so bad.

Maybe he could've helped me put an end to it all....before it destroyed my family.

Before it destroyed me...

"Ooooookay." He dragged the word out as if he was unconvinced, but would let the topic go nonetheless.

My eyes continued to scan the crowd for my babies and it was only when I spotted Lily's curly puff that I spotted Ava blowing me kisses as well. I smiled and blew her a kiss back, pretending to catch her kiss and tuck it into my pocket.

"You're on the screen." Steph mumbled a warning to me and I smiled wider.

"I love you babe." I spoke. Then I turned to Steph as they clicked me off the screen. "Hopefully she could read my lips."

He was waving at his wife and two daughters. "Hopefully." He turned to face me and tossed me the basketball he was holding. "You ready to win?"

I nodded. "Yep. Santo August is always ready."

That was what the fans had grown accustomed to calling me. Santo August. Sometimes just Santo since I was the only one with a name like that.

"Alright. Lemme see that jumper." Steph smirked.

I smirked back and turned to throw up a step back three. It swished and Steph nodded approvingly.


The game went well. Because I wasn't battling him I was able to focus and play a great game. I scored 28 with 2 blocks, 10 assists, 5 steals, and my shooting percentage was 78%. I was 4/5 for threes, coming second in that category only to Steph, who was 6/6.

We won 126 to 112. Against the Cavs. They put up a good fight, but let's be real, who could stand a chance against Golden State?

After the game, the team filed off to the locker room where there was talk of a small celebration.

"So I'm thinking we have a couple drinks, ya know? Just go out to a club or something." Draymond had been saying. "What do you guys say?"

A few players agreed, but Steph and I both shook our heads.

"Ayesha is on baby number three. And she can't really do much at the moment so I gotta go be on daddy duty. Gotta put my baby girls to bed." Steph told him. "Plus, I'm a Christian. I don't drink."

"What about you, Premature Steph?" Dray asked me.

"I don't drink either." I shrugged. "And I'd rather be at home with my babies than at a strip club."

He shrugged and tied his shoes before slinging his duffel bag over his shoulder. "Suit yourself. See you guys at practice."

We all said our byes to him and he headed out. One by one, the remaining crowd got smaller and smaller until Steph and I were the only two.

"Who was she?" Steph asked me after a moment.

"She who?" I asked, knowing that he was talking about Tasha.

"The girl. The one that made you stop in your tracks. You looked like a deer in headlights." He spoke.

"She was nobody." I lied.

There is is again...a lie. Lie number what? 4?5?

He picked up his stuff and started putting it in his bag as he raised an eyebrow at me. "Who?" He asked again, his eyes nearly piercing through my soul as he narrowed them at me.

"An ex." I mumbled. "We we're together for ten years."

"Wow. Ten whole years." He mumbled the last part and then zipped his bag shut, slinging it over his shoulder as he prepared to leave. "Be careful man."

I nodded. "I am."

But I wasn't. I wasn't being careful in the least.

If I was, Ava would still be here. My daughter Lily would still be here.

My son Junior would still be here...

But they're not....

Because I pushed them away with all my lies...all my secrets.

I pushed away the woman I loved the most...and she took my children with her.

And it was all my fault because I let Tasha ruin it. I let her.

'You sure as hell did. That's too bad.'

After I left the locker room, the stadium was pretty much clear. Well...except for one person....Tasha.

I pulled out my phone to see if Ava sent me anything.

'Went home to get your dinner warmed up. I love you and I'll see you there. 😘' - My baby 😘❤️😍💍🙌🏽

I smiled at her text and replied to let her know I was on the way, purposely ignoring Tasha's presence.

"Hi." She greeted me as she ran to catch up with me despite her large stomach from her pregnancy.

"Go away." I mumbled in response.

"I just wanted to thank you." She told me, continuing to walk alongside me as I pushed open the door leading to the outside area.

"And you just did. Now go away." I retorted.

'Why are you sending her away? You love her.'

"No I don't." I mumbled.

She raised an eyebrow at me. "You don't what?" She asked.

"Nothing." I shook my head and turned to open the door to get outside. "Leave me alone. Go away. I helped you, now you have to go away."

We stepped outside into the hectic night, darkness encompassing the area all around where street lights were not shining.

"Fine. So maybe I had more to say." She continued.

I sighed. "I don't want to hear more. I want you to leave."

'No you don't. You're lying....again.'

"Fuck you, okay?" I mumbled.

"Huh?" Tasha replied in a confused manner.

"Just go away, Tasha!" I yelled.

She frowned but obeyed, turning to walk away. Then she turned back around and touched my arm, leaning in to kiss me before I could say anything else.

I pulled away quickly and slapped her. For that moment, I forgot she was pregnant. She held her cheek in disbelief and I was livid.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! I'M MARRIED!" I held up my left hand and pointed to the ring. "Fucking disappear from my life."

And she did just as I asked. Or so I thought until I read the paper a few days later...

Because that was when it all really began...

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