Chapter Four

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'You're a dumbass, you know that?'

She sent me a weak smile. "Hi."

Her gaze fell back down to the table and she sighed.

"What happened?" I asked her.

She sniffled and wiped her tears with a napkin. "He was seeing her the whole time." She spoke the words with so much pain in her voice. "The entire time we were together, they were fucking behind my back."

I raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Karma's a bitch, ain't it?" The statement was laced with humor and Tasha frowned again.

"I guess I deserve that. I did and said some pretty harsh things." She admitted while raising her mug to sip her drink.

It was only then that I noticed the cup of coffee she'd already ordered.

"So..he put you out?"

She nodded. "Yeah. He said he didn't love me. He never loved me." She mumbled the words and I raised an eyebrow.

"Deja vu." I mumbled sarcastically.

She sighed. "Yeah. What goes around comes around, I guess. But...I'm pregnant."

My eyes went wide. "Y-you're p-p-pregnant."

'Why are you stuttering? It's not your kid.' He muttered.

I folded my hands on the table. He had a point. It wasn't my kid so why was I concerned?

"Yeah." She sniffled and took another sip from her drink.

"So uh...a motel for the night?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Yeah. That'd be great."

At the time I hadn't realized how that sounded. And I also hadn't realized that we had been overheard...well, not entirely.

They'd only heard enough to ignite the fire that sparked the explosion of my failed marriage.

They'd only heard enough for Ava to hear and leave me.

And that's exactly what she did.

Well...only years later, when they "exposed" me.

Tasha and I left the café that day and headed to a nearby hotel together...mistakes #3...and 4.

I should've never went to that cafe to meet her...and I definitely shouldn't have taken her to that motel.

But I did...

It's crazy how wrong this all went.

It's crazy how it went from me trying to help me losing my marriage.

And by life.

I didn't know that all these small actions would lead to something so huge.

But I guess that's why it's called the butterfly effect.

Something so small as a butterfly, causes something as huge as a hurricane.

When these things happen you never seem to think they'll be that catastrophic. But then again, hindsight is always 20/20.

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