Beca's response

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~Beca's POV~

Dear Becs,

How's the army? Any friends? I would love to go on a date with you. I know I acted like I hated you, I was just jealous of you and your talent. I know have yo teach a large group of girls that keep causing a mess and I've been busy. Everyone says hi and that they love you.

All my love and wishes
Bree Xx

I loved the letter as she was finally beginning to open up to me and tell me more about herself and why she acted the way she did towards me.

Dear Bree,

The army is hard and challenging, harder than Maniacs training. Hard to believe right. I'm getting through because I have something to look forward to when I get home. I have a few friends but other than them I'm feared by everyone else, it can get pretty lonely. Brilliant job on getting ye be captain, you deserve it. Good luck with the new maniacs and whip them into shape. If needs be when I get back I can try and get them to do it when I can make them do army training. Also, how can you be jealous of me when I was envious of you. You had a family and people worth fighting for, I struggled to get that from anyone except the Maniacs. I love the others to and I have the best date planned out for you when I get home. Will you come to my celebratory tribute. When I leave I have at least 3 months before I am stationed again.

All my love,
Becs xx

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