Dinner and Joy

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I got outside and climbed into my McLaren and raced out of the gates that automatically opened for me. On the way out security guards stood around the perimeter (another I need to tell my friends and family about is the secret I have kept hidden for yrs). As I was racing down the road I was thinking about how lovely everyone will look tonight, even though the cast and sling didn't do anything for my look I still managed to look good. I got to the restaurant within 10 minutes of setting off.

When I got inside I was shown to the table and my heart sped up everyone looked hot, well in my opinion they did anyway.

Bree was wearing a nice gold gold dress which made her hair shine like a million diamonds and her eyes sparkle like a night full of stars.
Chloe was wearing a dark midnight blue almost black that brought out her bright blue eyes.
The males were wearing a nice black suit with white waistcoats and the mothers were wearing green and a sunset orange dress. As I sat down a waiter came and pushed my chair in for me and I took Bree's hand and kissed the knuckles.

"You look beautiful baby" I stated after I got comfy. "In fact all of you look beautiful and handsome."

"You look gorgeous darling." Bree and the adults said.

"You look great Becs." Chloe spoke.

"Thanks Chlo. You look gorgeous as well."

"So Becs when can I see your place and how are you so rich?" Chloe asked.

"Erm......" Beca fidgeted. "My grandparents were multibillionares and because they didn't see eye to eye with my parents everything got passed down to me. Also my mum owned her own business were she sold really expensive antiques and items from hundreds of years ago. She also joined the army and saved up all the money for me. My dad was the founder of the most prestigious company, BMitch Producers.

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 23, 2019 ⏰

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