Celebration evening

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I stood in line, leaning slightly as i couldn't really stand straight for too long without irritating my injuries. J was stood for 5 minutes before my name was called. As I walked out I leaned to my left as to not injure or irritate my ribs. My arm was in a sling to support my collarbone and shoulder, and my head and ear were bandaged up. I searched the crowd for the people I asked to be here and I see them with a look of shock and panick.

"Beca Mitchell, we present you with this award for your bravery and sacrifice. Mr. Posen!"

Mr. Posen walks on stage and gently hugs Beca. He was very grateful for the way that she had helped save his life and would never be able to fully repay her for her actions.

"General Beca Mitchell"

"Sir?" Beca says whilts standing to attention at the best of her ability.

"At ease soldier." He says

She stands at ease whilst scanning the crowd and staring deeply in Aubrey's emerald green pools. She looked like she was trying to suppress her tears and seemed to be conflicted with everything.

Aubrey's POV

I was upset that she was this badly hurt but she seemed to do well hiding it. My dad looked shocked to see her like this and all of the women were crying because she was family and it hurt to see family in pain. I wanted to cry but wasnt going to allow myself till I saw her up close and was able to bathe in the comfort she gives out while I cry and would be able to make sure I felt safe and so did she.

Beca's POV

Mr. Posen presents me with my medals and says, "You risked your life for your team and me. Without you we wouldn't be standing here and to say you were gone for about a month maybe more and came out looking like this, it was a great honour to work beside you and may you be back after your break to start man there few years of your service and sacrifice. Your sacrifice for your country and your team was great so there is no greater honour for you than your own dog, mansion and unlimited bank account." And he leans in close and whispers, "and my daughter."

The crowd erupted in cheers and shouts. I was glad to finally be home and safe with my family and friends and now I have the parental permission to get the girl I have always wanted.

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