Meeting the family (again)

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Whilst everyone was clapping I made my way slowly off stage with the help of William. The family rush over and while being mindful of my injuries hug the both of us. Shauna Posen cries along with the Beales and their children.

"My poor baby, What happened?"

"Fractured collerbone, dislocated shoulder, broken arm and some broken ribs all on my left hand side. Slight head trauma and a sore ear which is healing, as well as sore arms, legs, back and front from the whippings. I was caught in an explosion and then when I was out the enemy took me and tried to get us to stop fighting by trying to get me to tell them that they needed to rescue me without any infantry." I replied.

"Oh Becs" Chloe whispers. I step forward and open my arm for her to hug me, which she does with tears streaming down her face. My face remains stoic throughout all of this with the occasional smile to my family.

"Bree, are you alright? Wheres my hug?" I ask abit surprised that she has kept her distance and let everybody else greet me first as she is usually the first one to do so.

"Beca baby" she says while running up to me to hug me, she sobs uncontrollably into my shoulder while clinging to me tightly as if I would disappear if she released me. Even though pain started to flair through my body I decided to ignore it and just let her enjoy this moment.

"Come on" William starts but I shake my head and mouth 'let her be she needs this'. He understands immediately and backs up to his wife's side and hugs her from the side. Everybody is happy that I'm home they just didn't expect me to appear the way I did. Even though I struggled I wasnt allowed to tell them anything that happened only explain my injuries.

"Shhh its alright, its alright." I repeat over and over again in her ear. We stand there for what feels like hours but in reality was only about half an hour. During this time she had slowly started to calm down and her heart wrenching sobs slowed to quiet sniffles in to my shoulder. As we slowly pulled away, I heard a shout behind me and stiffened and turned around slowly while my family stood in a semi circle around me.

"General Mitchell?"

We break apart and my whole demeanor changes, I stood up straight and to attention. My feet snapped together and my posture stiffened even more when I saw who was in front of me. My arm snapped into the  position of a salute and my face became stoic once more.

"Sir" I said, my usually soft but rough voice became sharp and rougher.

"At ease soldier." I stand at ease with my feet shoulder width apart, one of my hands behind my back but kept my shoulders tense and my back stiff, "Here is everything you will need for your presents. I also gave you that bike you like, but it is faster and a midnight blue colour, along with a Lamborghini, a Porsche and a McLaren."

"Thank you sir." He stands up straight and salutes, I was surprised at first as that was only shown by him to people he respected and it took alot to gain his respect. I didn't let it show on my and I returned the gesture. He then walked off to talk to his family and friends but not before giving me a small smile. I could see how proud he was in his eyes and this made me feel a lot better.

"Right then shall we all go out to dinner to celebrate my safe return, I also want to learn all about your freinds at school and maybe try and help you guys out if needs be as I know how much of a perfectionist and control freak my lovely girlfriend can be. You can all choose where to go for dinner and I'm paying as I am really rich due to my family before that died." I say and start walking to my motorbike.
*Her bike*

 *Her bike*

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