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*** slight trigger warning. Dont read if your easily set off. ***

It's been 2 weeks since I got Bree's letter and I have been sent over seas to Afghanistan. I have been there for 4 weeks when Bree's father came to see my unit. There was a threat made against it and with me being the toughest I decided to take the entire teams place if it ever came to a hostage.

We had all been alert and panicked thinking they might send a distraction so we watched out for look outs and signs of a bomb being sent our way. We were really edgy after a week of suspense it came but was aimed at Sergent Posen's tent. I ran over and got him out just as it hit. I got injured and became unconscious but not before they came over and dragged me away.

I had been with them for 1 month and it was constant beatings or severe torture. They wanted me to get the army to stop fighting them and used me as an option, unfortunately for them I wouldn't do it or talk at all. They decided to increase the pain they gave me during my torture sessions by increasing the pain the object created. Wether it be no food, drink or being whipped.

As another week rolled by it got worse, they made all the objects really bad where they sometimes got caught in the skin and then ripped out. This carried on until I passed out and awoke in a hospital bed in the army hospital. I asked them what my injuries were and if my team were ok. At first they didn't want to tell me the extent of my injuries but eventually did. I had a broken left arm, slight head trauma, slight ringing in my ears, broken ribs on my left side, a fractured collarbone on my left hand side and a dislocated left shoulder.

I was there for two weeks until I was able to do everything I used to be able to do I just had to wait for the bones to heal. Unfortunately the celebration day was in two days and nobody was aware of the injuries I had sustained.

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