Chapter 1

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I saw him lift his boot and bring it down on my face and everything went black. I woke up...
I saw someone knock on my door and took out my earbuds as paused the victim interview I was watching. I didn't recognize the person who walked into my office. He was tall with brown hair and green gray eyes, and he looked like he was in peak physical condition. He was followed by a slightly shorter guy with blonde hair slicked back with green eyes and a 5 o'clock shadow. He was wearing a button down shirt with a tie. Who wears a tie in Hawaii?
"Can I help you?" I asked tentatively.
"Are you Harper Jones?" The man asked as I nodded. "I'm Commander Steve McGarrett and this is my partner Detective Danny Williams, and you are very well known around the islands."
"What can I say? I'm good at my job." I stated.
"We can see that. I need your help." This got my attention. "I have been given an assignment to make a task force which will be given full immunity and means to crack down on the crime rate in Hawaii. I think you would be a great part of our team. I'd like to offer you a position."
I took a second to mull it over. "I would be open to it. Who would be on the team?"
"Myself, Danny, Chin Ho Kelly, And Kono Kalakaua." He replied.
"Well, I would have to check with my advi-"
"Yeah, that's all done. This one made sure of that. We just wanna know if it's a yes or no, if it ends up nosediving everyone will be able to return to their previous positions. No risk involved." Detective Williams interjected.
I closed the folder on my desk and cleared my throat. I looked up at Commander McGarrett. "When will I start?"
• • •
I walked through the double doors to the Task Force Office. Everybody was running around grabbing vests and gearing up.
"Agent Jones. Good morning! Suit up. We caught a case. I'll catch you up on the ride. I'll drive." McGarrett said as he rushed by me.
I threw a vest over my shoulders and strapped my holster and badge to my belt. I had found a new badge on my desk the had H50 branded right on the center. I took and second to admire it as Danny opening my door snapped me out of it.
"Hey, so Steve's already in the car, are you ready? Good. Umm..." he looked down and scratched he back of his neck. I noticed he did that a lot and it was a really cute gesture, "Bring a helmet, Steve's driving." He said which gained a snicker from me.
"Well I should stop gaping at my new badge shouldn't I?" I replied. This got a smile out of Danny. I walked out of my office as Danny held the door open for me.
In the car, Danny told me to put my seat belt on. Which, by all means, was a wonderful caution to give me. Steve took one turn and I almost got choked by my seatbelt.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!?!" Danny yelled at he hung on for dear life.
"What are you scared?" McGarrett scoffed.
"I'm not scared! I'm reasonably concerned! I want to see my daughter again!" Danny said, huh I didn't know he had a daughter. Why hadn't he said something about a wife? Does he have a wife? Why does that even matter? I shook of the thoughts. I didn't even know why they occurred to me.
"Steve. I have been in a helicopter as it was spiraling towards the ground and it was less intense then this drive." I said.
"That's an exaggeration." Steve said as we flew over a speed bump.
"No it's really not" I said.
• • •
"Sang Min, Five-0, open up!" Steve said before waiting a second, he turned around squared to the door and kicked it open. Danny headed in first with his gun raised, and I followed in suit.
"Clear...all clear?"
"C'mere I got something you might wanna see." Chin called from the other room. We all walked in to see a room with one wall covered in pictures of HPD.
"Those look like surveillance photos." I said. "Look at the time stamps, they date back to almost a year ago."
"Someone's trying to get intel on HPD for some reason." Steve said.
"Time stamps also say they are all taken around this time every day. I guess when know where he is now." Kono said as we headed to HPD.
"5-0 hands up!" Steve yelled once we saw the guy lurking in the bushes. He had long greasy black hair and he was about 5'11". He heard us and started running.
"Why do they always have to run?" Danny said as him and Steve ran off after Sang Min. Chin, Kono and I decided to cut him off at an intersection. I ran towards him and dove through the air to put my shoulder right on his back. We both went down tumbling as I felt a sharp agonizing pain in my shoulder. Chin jumped on top of Sang Min as I let out a massive scream.
"Harper! What happened?!?" Danny called as he ran over to me.
"I. Think. I..... dis...located my ....arm" I said through gritted teeth. My vision blurred as tears filled my eyes. Harper, you are not going to cry right now. You are FBI. Pull it together.
Danny held out his belt that was folded in half. Okay. "I need you to bite down on this. I'm gonna pop your arm back in okay? 3...2...1..." I gasped as I felt another sharp pain in my arm and then nothing.
"Thanks Danny." I said as I tried to get up.
"Whoa, slow it down there hot shot. We got the guy." Danny said as he helped me towards his car. "Steve you got the backseat!"
Danny helped me into the passenger seat of his car as Steve took the backseat as instructed. Danny drove us back to HPD. I couldn't stop thinking about how caring Danny was when I was injured. I glanced over at him. He's not that bad looking either. Oh who am I kidding. He's super handsome. Danny caught me staring at him and gave me a smile. Harper what are you thinking. He's a coworker. Stop. I looked back out the window and tried to distract myself with other things.

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