Confessions- Part 4

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Chenle and Jisung watched as Jeno ran after Renjun. After all what could they do. Chenle turned back to face Jisung. And Jisung faced Chenle. Both stood there wordlessly. Chenle finally broke the silence "Jisung.... Listen...I heard from Renjun. That you like me and-" Jisung interrupted "Yeah, about that, can you just pretend that you didnt hear any of it? I mean I already know you don't like me back so i just-" It was now Chenle's turn to interrupt. "Jisung listen! Okay I really like you too. I like you alot!" Chenle said. His face heating up to the color of an apple. His eyes met with Jisung's wide eyes and flustered face. "I was honestly so glad to hear that you liked me back too. I just.... I was so suprised because I liked you for so long, but like I didn't think you'd like me back so I didn't do anything about it." Chenle would have continued rambling but he stopped because Jisung started laughing. "Wh-what's so funny?" Chenle asked. For a second Chenle was scared Jisung would reject him but what Jisung said next made him like him even more. "You're so cute when you're flustered. Chenle oh my gosh you're so freaken cute. Look at you! As red as a tomato." Jisung continue laughing at Chenle as Chenle felt even more embarassed. "But yeah okay." Jisung said. "Okay?" Chenle repeated. "Okay, I'll go out with you." Chenle was so excited and happy he ran around the street smiling and screaming like a lunatic. Then he ran up to Jisung and hugged him.

"Hey Jeno..." Renjun quietly said. Jeno sat besides him without a word. "So how are you?" Jeno hesitantly questioned. "I' I can't believe you're actually here." Renjun chuckled. Jeno followed and chuckled too. "Yeah... Me neither." They sat in comfotable silence for a good while before Jeno decided it was enough waiting. "Why did you run?" he looked over at Renjun. He saw that Renjun was already looking at him but turned away quickly and turning red. "Because..." he trailed. Jeno waited. "Because... Honestly you suddenly showing up. It got me shaken up. I was's just all the emotions came rushing back." he simply stated. Jeno nodded in understanding. Jeno was always understanding. He was always caring. Always so perfect in Renjun's eyes. It made him scared to be honest. It scared Renjun to the point where he thought to himself if he Renjun would be that perfect enough. Renjun was afraid of not being enough for Jeno. But all Jeno had to do was hug him. Tell him that he was perfect enough. And that would wash his worries. And that's exactly what he did. Jeno embraced Renjun and told him "You know you're perfect enough for me right?" and with that Renjun's heart was racing. Renjun lightly laughed. "You know Jeno... I just feel that we need a little more time." Renjun looked up at Jeno to find him sadly smiling down at him. "Yeah me too."

Jeno had just gotten back and wanted to suprise everyone at school. He saw Jisung just run out of school and was gonna follow after him, and Chenle calling after him. Then he looked over and saw Renjun. Gosh he missed Renjun. Renjun said something to Chenle and they both walked inside. He quickly decided to go say hello to Chenle and Renjun so he rushed into the building. There he saw that Chenle and Renjun stopped in the middle of the hall. Jeno was confused at first but the next words that came out of Renjun mouth is what made Jeno decide he wanted to see Jisung instead. "I like you." was what Renjun said to Chenle. And so Jeno left. He went outside and ran. He ran to Jisung's house taking the shortcut because he knows Jisung never takes that way. And so he arrived there and met with Jisung. And so there was Jeno. At Jisung's house. Finally back after all that time. "Hey Jisung... How are you?" he faintly smiled. "How's Chenle....and....Renjun." he looked down.

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