Confessions-Part 6

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He ran. He ran till his lungs gave out. He felt angry. Betrayed. Sad. Confused. He just wanted it to stop. He broke out into sobs as the rain and his tears continuously ran down his cheeks. But all it took was that one voice. That one voice calling after him. "JISUNG PLEASE! LET ME EXPLAIN!"

Things have been going well since Jeno had gotten back. The group started hanging together and Jeno and Renjun finally made it up. Of course they left all the secrets behind and just decided to continue with life. That was until the last dance of the year.

It was late afterschool. Everyone was having fun until it had started raining. The dance was ending soon and some people started leaving or calling their parents before it started raining hard. Chenle stepped outside to call his mom to pick their group up since it was a Friday. As he ended the call he heard someone take a deep breath and exhale. He looked over and his eyes met with Renjun. "You know... Honestly... I think I figured out why I liked you for a bit." Renjun said. Chenle left a pause as he waited for the answer. "It's because you're so much like Jeno... You are both kind and caring. Gentle and careful in everything you do. I think that's why." Renjun confessed. They both sat in comfortable silence as Chenle let it sink in.

Jisung went trying to find Chenle after a while of him not coming inside. Finally he decided to look outside and he stumbled upon a small confession that made is heart stop.

"Renjun. I'm gonna tell you honestly. But you can't ever tell anyone this. Especially Jisung." Chenle said cautiously and waited for Renjun's response. Renjun nodded. "Honestly, I would have chosen you if you hadn't tell me told me Jisung liked me. Even if I rejected at first." he said. This Renjun by surprise. He nodded silently. They sat for a few seconds letting eachother's words sink in.

With those words Jisung's heart broke. Of course he would have chosen Renjun. Jisung's eyes watered as negative thoughts filled his head. He went back in to grab his jacket so he could leave. But in the process of leaving he missed the most important part.

"You would have chosen me?" Renjun filled the silence. "Yeah, I would have. But my heart would have still been with Jisung. Because no matter what I would have always gone back to him. I love him too much to let go." Chenle smiled. Renjun smiled as he too thought of the person he loved. Jeno. "I know how you feel." Renjun said. And they both sighed. "I guess we should go back inside. They might be worrying." Renjun said. Chenle laughed lightly and agreed. As they neared the entrace they heard a cascade of voices. "Jisung? Where are you going?" Jeno called.
"Home." Jisung responded.
"Why? What happened?" Jaemin questioned.
"Jisung it's raining though." Mark stated.
"I don't care. I'll see you guys whenever."
"Jisung wait!" Haechan called out. The door flung open. Jisung stepped out and his eyes met with Chenle's. Chenle worn a concerned look on his face. "Hey, Jisung what's wro-" Chenle started
"So i'm your second choice huh?" Jisung interrupted.
"I heard you. You would have chosen Renjun if he didnt tell you I liked him." Jisung said. Hurt evident in his eyes and voice.
"What?" Mark said.
"I don't understand..." Haechan trailed off.
"Me neither." Jaemin joined.
"Renjun confessed to Chenle. And Chenle would have said yes if Renjun hadn't told him Jisung liked him." Jeno mumbled. All eyes fell on Jeno. "I was there I saw the confession. That's why I ran and showed up at Jisung's." Jisung, Chenle, and Renjun looked at him in suprise. "I didn't know you knew..." Renjun said as he stepped towards Jeno. Jisung took a step back. "So it was true..." he whispered. Eyes turned to him and as Chenle was about to speak Jisung ran. Chenle shook his head. This was all wrong. Jisung was suppose to be happy. He heard Chenle say that Chenle would have still love him even if he tried dating Renjun so why was he being like this. Chenle connected two and two and then the answer was clear. He didn't hear the last part. He looked up at Jisung and thank goodness he wasn't far. He ran in the rain after Jisung. "JISUNG PLEASE! LET ME EXPLAIN!" he yelled as he followed after.

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