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Please take a second to vote and comment if you read this! I decided to try something new so I'd appreciate if I could get feedback. This story is AU just to let you all know!

 ©Batmantho 2014

Walking to the bus every morning brought my energy level down. I hate getting on that hot, yellow rectangle with all of the gross kids from my school. You’d think since we lived in Los Angeles, we would have decent transportation, with air conditioner; but that’s not even the case.

The closest thing we get is the windows down and cool breeze outside but that only happens every once in a while. The days we aren’t so lucky, there’s hot air blowing in your face, making you wish you were dead.

The bus driver doesn’t have any sympathy for any of us. He sits there every morning, cigarette in hand, cursing at all the cars that are driving near him. The other people on the bus act like little children. They’re so immature it makes me sick.

No one even takes the bus anymore. Everyone my age has a car, except me. I envy all of those kids whose parents buy them every little thing they desire. My mother claims that it would save us more money if I caught the bus. The one thing she doesn’t understand is how lame it is for me to ride the bus.

I stared out the window, watching all of the people drive to their jobs. Pretty soon that’ll be me. I listened to music, drowning out everything.

Once the bus arrived at my school, I was jumping for joy. Note my sarcasm.

The big sign read: Westridge High School, home of the Eagles.

If you actually went here, you’d see it as; Westridge High School, home of the dirty, lame, hormonal teens.

I avoided making eye contact with anyone and headed straight to my locker. I was putting my books inside, listening to the chatter of everyone around me when it got silent. I turned to see what caused the sudden silence and that’s when I saw him.

He looked more intimidating each day I saw him. He transferred here to Westridge about a week ago. His body was covered with tattoos, at least from what I could see, and he had several piercings. Honestly he was a beautiful creature but was filled with so much hatred towards people.

I only encountered with him once and it was when I ran into him in the hallway. He was extremely terrifying. Ever since then, I make sure I’m careful in the hallway.

As he walked by, his eyes were directed on me. I hadn’t realized I was staring until I saw him looking right through me. He winked and had a wicked smirk on his face before he walked past the crowd of people.

“Maha! Maha did you see that? Niall Horan winked at you!” Jae said excitedly. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. I wasn’t blushing because I like him; it was more because Jae was so damn loud everyone was staring at me. I don’t like to be the center of attention

Let me introduce myself. My name is Maha Caylen. I am seventeen years old and I live in Los Angeles with my mother, father, and sister, Neha. My sister is a year younger than me and she is one of my best friends, along with Jae. The three of us do pretty much everything together.

The Midnight RideOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz