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I have so many ideas running through my head but none seem good enough. If you read this please please please VOTE AND COMMENT. I really want your opinions and what you think of the story. Thanks for the comments on instagram, it literally made my whole day x. Follow my instagram if you'd like @celebf4ct. Love you all xx

©Batmantho 2014

I decided to skip school for the rest of the day and prepare myself for the long, long, did I mention long, walk to my house.

It’s about a fifteen minute drive which equals about a two hour walk because I walk really slow.

I was dreading the walk because it is the end of May, which means it’s really hot, and also because I hate walking. I put my earphones back in and walked in the direction of my house, singing along to the music.

As I was walking, it started to feel cooler, which was odd considering the fact it’s like eighty degrees. The wind was blowing my hair in my face and I could barely see. What the hell just happened? I put my hair into a ponytail and walked a little faster.

Just to my luck, it began to pour down raining out of nowhere. I shrieked and started to jog before stopping. I was wet now so running would only cause me to slip and fall. I hated the rain so much. More importantly I hated being wet.

I love swimming but getting rained on is the complete opposite. I trudged home, soaking wet.

I was literally crying once I reached my front door. I was in a better mood until I couldn’t find my keys and all I could think was ‘why me’.

I entered the code into the keypad for our garage and went inside that way. The first thing I was did was head straight for the shower. I felt dirty and wet. The two together don’t mix well.


Neha called my name several times but I ignored her. I’m mad that she invited her perfect boyfriend and his arrogant best friend to eat with us.

She appeared in my doorway, frowning. “Maha I’m sorry about earlier.”


“Am I forgiven?”

“Yep.” I said popping the P.

She jumped up and down and plopped onto my bed. “To make it up, let’s go to Jerry’s!”

I couldn’t hide the smile that was now on my face. Jerry’s is my favorite place in the whole wide world. They have the best ice cream and the owner happens to be one of my parents’ good friends.

Once we got downstairs, it hit me. How are we going to get there?

“Neha we don’t have a ride.” I reminded her.

“What do you mean?” She smirked, holding a set of keys in her hand.

Okay we are officially going to die. If my parents find out we took the car without permission, I can kiss my life goodbye.

“No, they are going to kill us.”

“Who said they have to know? Well then you can call Niall and have him pick you up on his motorcycle.” She chuckled.

I snatched the keys and pushed past her.

You can call Niall and have him pick you up on his motorcycle.

Why would she say that? I mean seriously, why she would bring him up when he’s the reason I’m mad at her, I have no idea. I drove to Jerry’s, stopping to pick Jae up on the way because you can’t go for ice cream without your best friend.

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