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Copyright © 2014 Batmantho

I can’t even describe the pain that has somehow overwhelmed me. I don’t even know why I confronted him. I should have just left it alone.

I dragged my feet to my car and I sat inside. I couldn’t even function properly. It’s not that I had feelings for him, it’s just he acted as if nothing happened.

I drove to Venice Beach and took a seat on the hot sand. I took my hair out of its ponytail. It flowed in the wind and I rested my head on my elbows. I watched the waves rush towards the shore and wash away the sand.

I was deeply lost in thought. I thought about everything that’s been going on between Neha, Jae, and me; along with all of the stress with school.

In two days, I’m done with Westridge, leaving all of the horrible memories behind me. I got a scholarship to UCLA and as the days go by, I’m beginning to feel more and more nervous.

The sun was beginning to set and I decided it was best to head back home before I got stuck in traffic.


Once I got to school, Kaye ran over to me. She was talking about a lot of random things that made me laugh.

She has been pestering me about dating someone for the past four days. Liam is one of her best friends and she somehow convinced him to ask me out. I said yes, in hopes it would take my mind off of Niall. We are going to the party our school’s having.

Since we graduate tomorrow, our school is having a party for the seniors afterwards, but everyone is allowed to come.

Graduation practice ended early which I was quite thankful for. I didn’t want to have to look at Niall any longer than necessary.

Liam walked over to me and I smiled, clearing my mind of all negative thoughts.

“Kaye had given me your number, I hope you don’t mind.” He blushed.

“No not at all. Are you excited for tomorrow?” I asked.

“Yes and no. I am glad high school is ending, I’m just not ready to be an adult in the real world.” He explained, laughing.

We ended up talking for a good thirty minutes before one of his friends had dragged him away.  I smiled to myself and walked to my car.

As I sat there, waiting for Neha and Jae, I noticed Niall glaring at me. He is so annoying and I hate him. I wish he would stop glaring at me every time he sees me.

When the car doors opened, I was more than happy to pull off, leaving him to stare at anything but me.

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