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Ash's POV

So today is the weekend and me and my new friends are going out to get some brunch. I woke up late because I stayed up watching The Office, which was totally worth it, and now I'm struggling to get dressed on time.

I pull my jeans up and button them, dry my hair with my towel, brush my teeth and put on deodorant, and the doorbell rings.

"Coming," I yell as I run out of the bathroom and to the door. I open the door and see all my friends waiting outside, with May drooling.

"Hey, Ash," Gary starts. "You feeling cold at all?"

"No..? Why do you ask?" I realize what he is implying and look down and see that I'm shirtless and standing in the doorway.

"Oh, shoot!" I run back into the house and put on my shirt and jacket.

"You probably didn't want to see that.." I scratch the back of my neck. "Why don't we get going?"

Everyone nods and we all head off to the café.


At the café

"So, Ash," Drew begins. "What kind of things do you like?"

"The universe," I reply. "I plan on studying to be an astrophysicist. Apologies in advance if I start to geek out a bit," I smile.

I notice Dawn putting a spoonful of sugar into her coffee, which makes me geek out and explain a quick fact about space.

"Did you know that a neutron star is the densest physical thing in the known universe? One teaspoon of its matter weighs about two million tons," I say, fidgeting.

Everyone looks at me with wide eyes.

"What? I told you I was gonna geek out!"

"Hey, guys," Gary whispers. "Don't look now, but here comes Serena. Everyone just act natural."

We catch a quick glance of her walking down the sidewalk  toward the café and everyone on the other side of the table quickly turns back towards my side, but I can still see her walking.

"Guys, she coming in," I say, twiddling my thumbs as she walks in and up to the counter. "Let's just hope she doesn't come over here." Her gaze turns to us and her face turns a light pink as soon as she sees me, and she quickly turns back to the cashier. She collects her coffee and hastily exits the café while looking at me again, but keeping her face down, trying to hide her gaze.

Everyone looks at me.

"Ash," Drew starts. "What--is going--on?"

"I-I don't know! She just kind of looked at me, turned a light pink, then turned away!" I exclaim, holding my hands up.

"No way..." Dawn rests her chin on her hand. "Could she actually have fallen for somebody?"

"Not a chance! It's probably an act." May says.

"I dunno, guys." Gary adds. "That looked pretty real to me. Maybe Ash should talk to her at school on Monday."

"I can try." I reply, shrugging. "Anyway, I'm gonna head out. Probably look around a bit more." I grab my jacket from the back of the chair.

I thank them for brunch and leave the café and continue down the street.


Serena's POV

It's a sunny Saturday morning and I have plans to go shopping with my friend Shauna. I climb out of bed and begin my daily routine.

I eat my breakfast and go outside and head towards the café to pick up my coffee. I glance into the windows of a few clothing stores on my way there, and before I know it, I'm at the café.

The bell above the door makes a pleasant sound as I enter the building and approach the counter.

"What can I get you, Serena?" The barista inquires.

"Just the usual, Stan."

He gives me a thumbs up and prepares my vanilla cappuccino. As I wait, I look around the room to pass some time. I look first to the left, but nothing of interest. Then I look to the right, and I see him. The boy in the blue jacket.

I feel my face heat up and my chest start to pound as I grab my coffee and quickly leave the café.

"What am I getting so worked up about?!" I think to myself as I walk down the sidewalk towards the mall.

I don't know what makes me so nervous when he's around. It's not just nervousness, either. It's...excitement.

Gah! Stupid brain! I need to focus on getting to the mall and going shopping with Shauna.


Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is late! ;_; I just wanted to put out there that if my chapters seem bad, there are two main reasons for that.

(1) This is the first book that I've taken on writing in quite a while.

(2) Every book that I write or attempt to write, is never planned. I always just kind of wing it. I start it out with a cliché beginning, and just kind of build off of that.

So again, if they seem bad, I'm sorry and I'm still trying to improve. Thanks for understanding!

Total words: 757

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