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Serena's POV

I arrive at the mall and see Shauna waiting outside the entrance. We greet each other and walk inside.

"Which shop should we visit first, Shauna?"

"Hmm," she starts, "How about the clothing store?"

"Yeah, let's go!" I reply excitedly.

Shauna and I make our way to the clothing store to pick out some new school clothes. After arriving, Shauna and I separate and look for clothes.

"Oooh, this is cute," I say to myself as I reach into the rack and pull out a new outfit. (A/N: her new outfit is the outfit she wears in the anime after she cuts her hair)

I try on the new outfit and show Shauna, and I buy it because we both love it. (Is this how shopping works with the female?)

We leave the clothing store after browsing for a few more minutes to go to other places throughout the mall, and eventually leave.

"Today was so much fun, Sere! Let's go again sometime soon, kay?" Shauna exclaims with a big smile on her face.

"I had fun too, Shauna! We will definitely go together again sometime!"

After a few minutes of walking, we find ourselves at the intersection where we go separate ways home. We hug and say goodbye, then walk in opposite directions to our houses.


Ash's POV

"There's a Glaz outside that window, Mozzie. DO NOT peek that. He will have to push eventually," I say over game chat. "Just hold that angle into CCTV and wait for him to push."

"Roger that."

The countdown gets lower and lower and to our dismay, the Glaz breaks a barricade on the vulnerable side of Mozzie, shoots, and we lose the match.

"DAMNIT," comes through my headset, from the guy who played Mozzie. "GLAZ IS SO FREAKING ANNOYING!"

"Yeah, I know, but good try dude," I'm interrupted by my phone buzzing. I check my phone and it's Gary texting me, saying that we are all going to meet up. "Hey, I'm gonna hop off and go meet some of my buddies. Good games, my doods."

I exit Siege, turn off my PC, and get changed into some black gym shorts, and a gray tank top.

My friends and I meet up, get some lunch, and just kind of hang around for the rest of the day.

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

I get back to my house and as I'm entering the front gate, I notice somebody struggling to open the door to the house next to mine with shopping bags in her hands.

I kind of chuckle to myself watching the struggle, then I realize who it is that lives next door to me. Serena. "Oh no..." I say to myself. She looks over at me and notices that I had been watching her fight with the doorknob, so she quickly looks down with a bright red face. She continues to struggle with the stubborn doorknob, so I decide to give her a hand.

"Need some help?" I ask, standing outside the front gate with my hands in my pockets.

Serena turns around quickly with her face a light shade of pink.

"N-n-no! I've got everything under-" She starts, but is soon interrupted by dropping her bags."-control." She finishes with a defeated look on her face.

I enter the front gate and walk up to the door. "Here, let me help you." I gather up all the bags in one arm and open the door with the other.

"Just s-set them on th-the table," Serena says sheepishly. "Sorry about that. You really didn't have to do this."

"Don't you worry about it. It's really no trouble." I reply, waving my hand. "Besides, I didn't want to cringe anymore than I was watching you struggle with the doorknob."

"H-hey!" Serena exclaims, blushing. "You'd better not tell a soul what happened a few minutes ago or I'll kill you!"

I hold up my hands in defense. "Alright, relax, I won't say anything. Anyway, I'm gonna head out. See ya later!" I say, looking back as I walk out the door. I thought I heard her say something, but I closed the door behind me before I could hear. When I get to my house, I change into my pajamas, boot up my PC, and get back into some Siege for the night.

Serena's POV

I'm walking home from the mall with my shopping bags and my house finally comes into view. I open the front gate, and walk up to the door. My hands are full with shopping bags, which makes it a struggle to open the doorknob.

I suddenly hear a voice behind me.

"Need some help?"

OH. MY. GOD. Ash just witnessed all of that! Kill me now!

"N-n-no, I've got everything under-" I start to feel my grip on the shopping bags. This is it. My social life is completely ruined. Good bye world. The bags fall out of my hands and into the ground. "-control." I hang my head in shame.

"Here, let me help."

Oh god, this is a NIGHTMARE.

Ash gathers all the bags in one arm, slightly exposing his muscular bicep through the sleeve of his shirt, which makes my face heat up.

"Why is my heart pounding so hard? Why is my face so hot? Why do I only feel this way around Ash? I've never felt this way around other guys! What even IS this feeling? I have no idea what it is, but I--like it!"

I tell him to set the bags on the table and let him know that if he tells anyone what happened, I'd be sure to kill him. Eventually Ash leaves and I'm left with my thoughts, clutching the sides of my face and scrunched up in a ball on the couch.

"Why do I feel this way?" I say to myself. "It can't be possible...do I...like someone?"

Hey everyone! Well, it has officially taken me over a YEAR to publish a new chapter, and I am so sorry! I REALLY hope you like this chapter. I think it turned out well after I've been gone from writing for a year.

If any of you wonderful people are into Siege like myself, (and Ash in the story) add me on Discord @ItsDeuker0593, and my UPlay is AOD_Deuker

Anyway, I'm really trying to get back into writing, since I've been on a huge fanfic reading spree, so I hope it helps me get back into it. Thanks again for reading!

Total word count: 1,106

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