Detective Evergreen and Officer Hades

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"We need to really dig into this...But I doubt the town will release another search party. We have lost too many people already." Tom rubbed his mustache in thought, looking at Evergreen.

"Well then it is up to us, isn't it?" Evergreen started to pack her camera back up, locking eyes with Tom.

"Yes but this is a dangerous case, I mean after all, people just disappear with no warning. Not even a shred of evidence that they were even there. No bodies, no fingerprints, no blood. Not even a hair is present, just disappearing individuals." Tom didn't want to put Evergreen in more danger than he absolutely had to.

"Yeah, but if we don't do something, we will never know what actually happened in those woods and how we can prevent it from ever happening again." Evergreen fiddled with the strap on her camera, leaning back in her chair.

"I suppose you're right. Either way, I don't want you entering those woods unless I am with you. At least promise me you won't do anything crazy unless I am at your side." He reached over and pet the pitbull that sat in the middle of the other shelter dogs, it was not a unfriendly dog, and even padded up to Evergreen just to give her some calming kisses. The dog seemed to understand the unease in the room, and took to the young woman immediately.

"Heh, Hades really likes you. People are pretty uneasy with pitbulls and it isn't everyday one gets adopted from the shelter in town." The dog's tail started wagging at Tom's mentioning of his name.

"Yeah....He seems really lovely....perhaps I could take him off the Shelter's hands once and for all?" The tense moment lightened up as Evergreen kneeled down to give Hades kisses and head pats.

"Well, if you want him, I am going to talk to the Shelter and see if I can't get him for you. As for right now, I want you to go home and do some research...Think of it as a little bit of homework from old Tom. Maybe you can pick up some details we missed in the case of missing Maddison." He smiled and pat Evergreen on the head before gathering the dog leashes and taking them out for another small walk to the shelter.

Evergreen stepped out of the office, and the feelings she experienced outside of her home came back full force, even worse than before. She felt unsafe, glancing over both of her shoulders, but only to see the woods behind her being vacant of life. She remembered the promise she made to Tom and was about to walk away, when she heard a voice.


The voice was soft and gentle, the voice of a young woman.


The voice was beautiful and melodic, attracting Evergreen like a moth to a flame.

Yes....Come Here Evergreen....Come Find Me....

Evergreen was about to follow the voice when she heard quick footsteps coming towards her from town.

"Hey! Evergreen! I need your help with the adoption paperwork!" It was Tom, and thankfully so. Evergreen knew that the voice was trying to bait her. Whoever it was, they wanted to be noticed.

"Oh good, and I have something very strange to tell you after we are done." Evergreen shivered, the voice didn't sound very threatening and she didn't feel endangered by it, but she had a sneaking suspicion that something accompanied that beautiful voice that didn't mean pleasantries.

"Why, what's wrong?" Tom was just walking one dog now, of course it was Hades.

"I just heard a woman's voice, a very soft, melodic voice. I feel like I know why we saw that missing woman in the photograph."

"And why is that?" He smiled down at Hades, who was gazing up at Evergreen like he had seen a goddess.

"She obviously wants to be found, otherwise she would of stayed hidden." Evergreen leaned down to pet hades while walking, who decided it was now a good time to plop down and roll on his back, a dopey look on his handsome little face, tongue flopped out of the side of his mouth. The scene made Evergreen and Tom laugh, as she leaned down and gave him a good belly rub.

"Come on boy, you'll have plenty of time for that once the paperwork is done." Tom chuckled as they trekked their way to the Shelter. "I agree she must want found, because she never showed so much action until recently. Maybe it just took a special person, after all, you two would be peas in a pod."

It only took a few minutes for the paperwork to be finished, and Hades was now Evergreen's dog.

"Well, now you have a protector. Look at this big muscular boy. Nobody is going to be able to hurt you with him around." Hades barked in response, as if to say 'Hell Yeah!'

"Awww...He is such a sweetie, I can't wait to spend time with him. Thanks Tom, I really enjoy your help with things."

"Awh, shucks. No need to thank me kid, you are a daughter to me. Anything you need, Tom is here to provide." He stretched and looked to the sun. "Well hun, I hate to cut it short, but it's time for me to get back to work. Have fun with your new friend, and remember, if you find anything strange about Maddison's disappearance, tell me.

"Thanks Tom, I'm going to start with her museum. Maybe her later photographs will reveal something. Or her earlier ones. Who knows?"

"Good plan, kid, good plan." And with that, Evergreen went to investigate the museum photographs, and Tom went back in the Shelter to help take care of the dogs.

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