Mind Your Own Business

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She slowly started to get better, it only took a couple days. Though for Evergreen, it felt like weeks. Her body was tired from fighting the illness, but what the illmess was from, she still had no idea.

The others did. Bebe and Brian, Maddison as well. All three knew what the problem was, but they wouldn't tell her.

Or maybe they couldn't. Evergreen knew there was someone behind everything, someone pulling the strings. A puppetmaster, a mob boss to end all mob bosses.

Something otherworldly. Everyone here seemed mentally unstable, Brian was always irritable, always glaring. Even while he kept his identity under that mask, he was very obviously giving everything the stink eye.

Beatrice was a shining example of black beauty, but her eyes looked tired all of the time, and her brain was always working a hundred miles an hour. She was always at a computer or working in the tiny cornerstore gas station.

Maddison was unlike the other two. The other two were unworldly attractive, but both had catches. Maddison had volumous brown hair and eyes that sparkled far better than any star Evergreen had ever layed witness of.

Even while pregnant, Maddison's body was something to desire. Whether it be desire to have, or to....have. Something about her was too good to be true, Evergreen knew there had to be a serious catch to Maddison's gifts. A serious catch besides the man that obviously was the father of the child she carried.

Evergreen was paranoid all of the time, the trio always hiding her at a certain time, and letting her out only when the "coast was clear."

What did they mean? Whenever Evergreen asked questions, it was met with a "Don't you let it concern you honey." Otherwise, she was met with silence or a change of subject to avoid her prodding questions.

Something just seemed off, why were they keeping her here even after she had gotten well again? Why was she told not to run? Why did they bring her back after she ran? Why were they hiding her at certain times?

They let her free roam the entire house whenever the coast was clear, whatever that meant. She picked up clues, searching through memories in each room.

Except for one.

It was told to her that it was completely off limits, but she observed that even if she wanted to she couldn't.

The window was completely blacked out and sealed off, even with bars on the outside to be sure no one could get in. The door that led to it from the outside was BOLTED shut, and seemed to be permanently sealed to the door frame.

What was in there that was so exclusive? And why in the world would they keep whatever was in there if it was that dangerous?

Lots of questions reeled through Evergreen's mind, making her constantly on edge. Why were they keeping her for so long, yet answering none of her questions?

Why were they hiding her from someone who comes home at the same time every day and leaves at the same time every night?

How long would it be until this person finds out?

The days whirled into a blur until one day, Maddison sat her down in the study.

"I suppose you wish to know why you were brought here." Maddison inquired, pouring Evergreen a glass of fresh lemonade.

"Yeah, a bit. You hold me captive, yet have to hide me from someone without giving any answers. It's kind of ridiculous, no offense." Evergreen huffed, slumping in her chair.

"None taken. In fact, I agree. But, I can tell you one thing: we are sworn to secrecy. You can't ask us direct questions. If you wish to know our secret, you must learn how to ask." Maddison poured herself some lemonade, setting the pitcher down. "But I must warn you, the closer you get to it, the more he will pick up on you."

"Who will pick up on me?" Evergreen asked, Maddison bowing her head.

"I can't tell you that."

Alright then, Evergreen thought to herself, I have to get creative.

"Are you married?" Evergreen questioned.

"Why yes I am!" Maddison beamed. It was such a quick change in demeanor, it made Evergreen jump.

"May I ask, to whom?" Evergreen yet again was met with a bowed head.

"You may ask, but I am not at liberty to tell." Maddison sighed, making Evergreen go silent for just a moment in thought.

Then the perfect question popped into Evergreen's mind.

This'll trap her into giving me the
answer by accident!

"Is your husband the one I am being hidden from?" Again, the question was met with a bowed head.

That means yes! Evergreen's mind buzzed with questions, but she decided to slow down her machine gun mind.

If the warnings Maddison gave her were true, she wanted to make sure she got her answers gradually, so she would have tome to prepare.

Even if she couldn't get answers straight off, she figured she would get them as close as possible.

Perhaps, she thought, I could get answers as to how to enter the forbidden room.

And with that thought, she hatched a plan on how to get each and every answer she needed.

If only she knew the trouble that was brewing her way.

Forgotten Photography ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora